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March 18th 2016 Gemworld 8:00 PM EDT

I  spent literal days watching The Empty Door. An interesting side effect  of my life attuned bloodline was that I apparently didn't need to eat.  My energy kept me sustained over long periods of time. I also didn't  need to sleep, though I intended to keep doing both unless I needed to  put them on hold. I wasn't one of those monastic self punishing assholes  who treated everything they did like an excuse to temper their minds. I  was having impulse control issues, and I intended to fix that, but once  those impulses were under my control again I planned to go back to  giving into them most of the time. What the hell was the point of life  if you didn't have fun?

Still, during the window of casing  the place I poured my all into watching every detail and indexing the  data gained to build a proper model of the organization. It was hard,  and annoying. I had Zee slip in to use her magic sight spell on me at  one point so I could add a magic power index to the body language,  facial expression, and even audio information I was keeping tally of  with my enhanced senses (I could read lips), all combined with the  information from multiple appraisals of every person entering.

It  took me those two days to put together a general picture. One of the  things my father tried to impress on me as a kid that I had always  resisted internalizing was the need for research. I hated doing  research, hated puzzling out facts and data. I was the kind of guy who  got a read on people through my natural grasp on body language and then  used that to adapt my plans on the fly, it wasn't perfect, but it  usually worked well for me. My father was a pathological researched.  Double and triple checking data to make sure every single aspect of his  plans were perfect.

My main crutch in that area was my  power. I'd had my ability since I seriously started playing in this  pool, and since I had, I hadn't needed to be as dedicated to details as  he would have preferred. Since arriving here, I'd been mostly anonymous,  so I was able to wing it most of the time (hah, dragon pun), but here  in an enemy kingdom with people who hated me keeping an eye out for my  presence, I'd officially reached the point where I had to do get serious  and actually put my brain to work for more than getting laid and  getting myself out of trouble.

Details, as most people  will tell you, are where the devil is. Small facts seem unimportant, but  they're crucial when planning anything. The minor blurbs of information  in my appraisals were in depth snapshots into the lives of these  people. Into their relationships to each other and to outsiders, and to  their personalities and abilities. Knowing some guy was shit talking his  boss was useless to me, knowing that some guy was shit talking his boss  because he secretly wanted to bang that guys wife and what he would do  to make that happen was NOT useless.

Each new fact  slightly altered the tapestry of information I was spinning, each new  appraisal was a lens that slightly changed the color of a thread.  Combining these and slowly puzzling out the weak spots I could exploit  was something I was usually good at with a glance. This time though, I  needed to make sure not a hint of my presence was felt. The Empty Door  wasn't like the other gangs where the brute force approach would work.  The leader of these people was someone even Darek Opal respected enough  to leave alone, so I had to be careful and take my time.

So  I did. I listened. I watched. I took notes. I read their desires, their  expressions, their appraisals, their interactions. I watched their  posture day to day and how that posture changed in relation to  interacting with other members, and with every ounce of data rattling  around in my perfectly organized brain, I began to formulate my plan. It  was slow. It was annoying. And it was something I deeply wished I  didn't have to do, but I made myself, because it was safest, and most  reasonable, and because it forced me to tame the dragon inside and  control myself.

Finally, after days of watching, I  developed a plan. Sindara had done as she was told, and approached her  dad. Cherry had borne witness and confirmed she was a good girl, and I  had her give my Opal slut permission to masturbate nonstop for an entire  night as a reward. I used the Brand to increase her sensitivity during  that time. I also used it to make sure she was incapable of actual  orgasm, because it was funny and I knew it would make her desperate for  me. Just because I was being serious and putting plans before sex didn't  mean I couldn't get that pussy marinating.

With Cherry  free, I'd had her follow a few members of The Empty Door home and report  on their lives, telling me some of their friends and family members  identities and personalities as best she could. Since we were doing this  obliquely a civilian would be the best in, slipping the pills to them  subtly enough that they wouldn't even know where they got them. It took  quite a while to figure out an approach, but I finally found the perfect  in to use. Crayken Lurk.

Crayken was the good for nothing  brother of a trusted associate of the leader of The Empty Door, a man  named Deacon Lurk. Deacon was loyal, trustworthy, and dedicated, but he  was also extremely protective of his brother. He constantly paid of  Crayken's debts, and instead of getting angry about it, he supported and  encouraged his brother, always praising him for his victories even as  he covered for his losses. He was a pretty great brother, honestly.

Which  was our in. Crayken had several vices, and aside from the normal wine,  women, and song, he also had a penchant for gambling. Crayken would bet  anything, and when he won, he would brag endlessly about it. He was an  obnoxious prick based on all the information Cherry was able to gather  from watching him and paying off a few subtle sources for info. Because  of this, he was perfect for our purposes.

Crayken was  actually a pretty loyal brother himself, and he had, in the past,  offered his winnings to his brother when he had a good run, especially  if The Empty Door was in trouble. It wasn't a common thing, but it had  happened, and if he were to , say, win a bottle of pills that could  improve their abilities, he would pass it on if it seemed necessary. In  light of that, I'd had Cherry subtly start spreading rumors about the  pills and the expansion of the Bone Barons and Shadow Lords and I made  sure Crayken heard about it.

Now that this was out of the  way, our next step was obviously to 'lose' a bottle of pills to him in a  gambling den, so we had to track down exactly where he would be. Gioto,  as it turned out, actually came in handy here, because he was familiar  with the local gambling dens. He was the kind of guy who took his gang  mates out to drink and get blasted on drugs to get brownie points, and  gambling dens were a good time. Of course, I also knew that he'd  arranged several deaths on outings like that, so I wasn't too touched,  but still, he had the info.

Which led us to where we were  now. Standing outside a massive gambling den called The Fickle Bitch. I  was pretty sure the name was supposed to ironic somehow, maybe a  reference to fate or chance, but pretty much everyone insisted it was  called that because the waitresses were notoriously unpredictable about  their prices for spreading their legs. Crayken liked the place because  he had a bit of a crush on Snow, the barmaid, despite her being the only  woman in the whole place who wouldn't bend over for a few shiny rocks.

We'd  specifically picked tonight because Snow was working. He came here even  when she wasn't but the guy bet big when she was around, hoping to  impress the bust white haired tavern girl. I could understand the  impulse after seeing her, her jugs had jiggle physics like a badly  produced anime and her big purple eyes were pretty and enticing. Once we  confirmed she'd be in, we had everything we needed for step one, and  after a few details I had to handle (always best to plant a few shills  rather than leave things up to chance) we were now ready for a night of  losing to Crayken Lurk at any game he chose to try his hand at.

I  brought Zee with me. Her magic would be useful for deception, and she  was trained in sleight of hand. She'd be able to help manipulate the  cards or roullette wheel or whatever. I looked over to run my gaze over  her body, raising my eyebrow. "You know. We're supposed to use the fact  that he's stupid over that girl to distract him. It'll be hard to do  that with you looking like a blue marble goddess. Where did you even get  that dress?" She was wearing a tight black mini dress, with her tits  basically busting out of it and showing just enough ass cheek in the  back that I could spot her thong if she leaned forward.

She  gave me a cheeky grin. "Oh this isn't for him. It's for you. I've been  feeling ignored. I figure seeing me looking so sexy might get you back  to work stuffing me like a thanksgiving turkey. Especially if all the  other guys are staring right in front of you. I know how jealous you  get. I find it offensive that Barbie has been dicked down in an alley  and all I got was fucking in bed." She paused. "Well, and I guess a  tunnel fuck under the city. But that's not good enough. After this I  want you rabid enough to use me in the alley behind this place."

I  blinked, not really expecting that from her, and when I raised my  eyebrow she glared. "Don't you fucking look at me like that. You spent  days using me on repeat to the limits of what I could handle. I got used  to it, and now I'm a jittery mess because I haven't gotten any in days  and I'm feeling pent up. It's all your fault, and you better take  responsibility. She turned around and clapped a hand on her ass. "And I  do mean take. You know how I like it. I'm gonna make you earn it too.  Imagine making me beg for it."

My  grin couldn't have been any wider. I put an arm over her shoulder and  pulled her close, palming one of those fat, watermelon titties. "Fair  enough Zee. After we finish the plan I'll take you out behind this place  and fuck you. And I promise it'll be unlike anything I've done to you  before." I suspected that begging me like this might be enough to  trigger the Branding, and I wasn't going to miss that for the world.

Still,  I had to douse the lust quickly and focus up for the moment, leaning  down to nip her ear as I whispered that we would pick this up later. We  had some gambling to lose. Plus I had the sneaking suspicion I'd be  getting in some fights tonight. I stared down at Zee's partly exposed  body. Little bitch really knew how to tease me. I was going to take that  out of her ass later. I looked for another second before slipping off  my coat and laying it over her shoulders, covering up what was mine. I  ignored the triumphant smirk on her face after making sure she was a bit  more covered. Why did I have so many bratty women?


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