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March 13th 2016 Gemworld 8:00 PM EDT

The  next three days were spent preparing. My first move was to use the  supplies on the first list I'd given Cherry to put together a couple  disguise items. Since the point was to be pretty much invisible to  anyone higher ranked, and the Opal bloodline wasn't perception based  anyway I decided to stick with a couple of F ranked disguise items.  Thirty thousand used left me at one million, two hundred and twenty  thousand GP when all was said and done, and since we got consistent  materials I ended up with three copies of the same item.

[Appraisal  function activated. Treasure detected. Mask of many faces- F rank. An  unheard whisper in an uncaring world. A familiar stranger passing in the  night. Assume a new form more suited to your environment. Only one face  may be worn at a time, choosing a new face will erase the old  completely. Observers will be less likely to question the origin or  nature of your face.]

I made one for each of the  girls too, and let them know the details. From what I could see it  picked a randomized collection of features. The mask could be removed  and put back on without losing those features, but if you changed to a  new randomized facade, the first was lost and could never be gotten  back. Useful for a single long term deep cover mission, or for a series  of very short undercover ops that you never went back to, but limited in  several other situations.

Once we had those gone I sent  Cherry out to gather the intel on the second list. Zee and I stayed back  in the room, and she realized that the mask made the whole 'villain  forcing himself on me' roleplay way more convincing and made me pin her  down and fuck her into a screaming heap. I had some fun with it, and had  her try hers on. Apparently it covered the whole body, and clapping  striped ass was a somewhat novel experience.

Eventually  though, Cherry came back with the information I wanted, and I began the  process of toppling (or at least unbalancing) an established country. As  Cherry brought back the info at the inn we were staying at, Zee (who in  the absence of any reason not to liked to lie around the room bare ass  naked) finally had enough and asked me outright. "Ok, so what the hell  is the plan here? You've made a lot of cryptic remarks, but I'm not  seeing exactly what we're supposed to do here. Are you going to start a  rebellion?"

Cherry had put up the field of silence around  the room so we couldn't be spied on, so I decided it was time to finally  share a bit. "No. Starting a rebellion is amateur hour. It sounds like a  decent idea on paper, distract them with an attempted coup and slip in  under their nose, but in practice it isn't functional. There are a few  problems with that line of attack, but the biggest has to be the fact  that during a coup attempt, the ruling class is braced for attack.  They're on their guard and expecting something to happen, which has the  unintended consequence of poking the hornets nest and getting them all  riled up."

"Well damn. Ok then what's the plan?" Far from  seeming as horrified as I expected, Zee sounded excited to learn more,  and given her fat jiggly tits bouncing around in the open as she sat up  to look at me, I was feeling warmly disposed enough to give her a little  lesson. I'd been planning to corrupt her anyway, and aside from the  depraved things I was doing to her orifices on the regular I hadn't even  started, so I walked over to sit down on the bed and pulled her into my  lap, fondling some fat, currently blue and white striped titty as a  tuition fee as I educated her.

She wriggled hotly on my  lap, and I enjoyed the feeling as I forced myself to focus. "First  lesson of toppling any organization, you need to take into account their  basic nature. Dynasties are, at their core, rulers. Not always good  ones, or useful ones, but their defining characteristic is the desire  for control. The key to unbalancing one is to take control, but not in  such a way as it can't be regained. You need to strip away their control  in a manner they're familiar with and can respond to appropriately.  Something expected enough not to upset them any more than you need them  to be upset to get their attention."

I mauled her bouncy  breast with one hand and stuffed two fingers of the other up her cunt,  adoring how wet and ready she was. Fuck I wanted more pussy. This dragon  think might have cranked my sex drive, because I'd been balls deep in  those hot little bitch for days and I was still panting for it. She was  good pussy, but this was more lustful than even I usually was, no matter  how sweet the cunt was. Luckily Zee was a needy little bitch after a  few days of proper attention, and Cherry would never stop her daddy from  getting his dick wet.

Still, I shook off the distraction  of my now steel hard cock and finished my thought. "Point is. We aren't  starting a rebellion, because that'll put them on guard. Attacks can be  defended against. We want them to have to go TO the problem not wait for  it. We're going to start a gang war. In the face of damage to the  foundation of the city they'll be forced to move out and quell it, but  since it's an external issue they'll consider it peacekeeping rather  than a threat."

Zee moaned, half in delight, half in  understanding. "Oooooh. So since they're expecting criminals to fuck  with each other they won't see anything out of the ordinary and won't  put their guard up." She ground her hips in small circles, gliding her  cunt further up my fingers as best she could. "But if a gang war was  enough someone would have robbed the palace ages ago right? Plus I know  you well enough to know you never pick a single path to victory when you  can have a backup. Starting a gang war also wouldn't have taken you  this long to set up."

I laughed, grinding the heel of my  palm into her clit and drawing a ragged moan from the squirming  sorceress slut. "See, I love when you show me you're good for more than  these fat bouncy jugs of yours. I decided to trust you with my identity  because your head is more than just a holder for a pretty place to shove  my cock." I nipped her ear. "Though it is very pretty. Yes. Well  spotted. An internal attack would tax resources but not cause any  noticeable change in momentum, as I mentioned these people are expecting  it. So we need to make sure they get hit with something they aren't  expecting at the same time."

Zee's cunt was practically a  faucet. She absolutely adored when I monologued while molesting her. The  feeling of being trapped and talked down to by a villain played into  her cnc fantasy nicely, so this was basically heaven for the dirty  little magic user. As if to confirm it she let her head fall back,  beginning to squirm just enough to feel like resistance without there  being any chance of escape.

She let out an animal groan.  "You fucker, this is so wrong. Making me listen to this. Making me part  of your plans. You're fucking sick, using my pristine hero pussy to  amuse yourself while you tell me all your twisted goals." If her fat ass  hadn't been sandwiching my cock I'd probably have laughed, but you'd be  surprising how easy it is to play along with a fat bootied bitch  grinding on your cock. Lame or not, dirty talk is simple with a hot slut  in your lap. Plus the campy hero and villain stuff was kind of fun for  me. It somehow made that magic pussy even better.

Deciding  that I needed to actually clarify things before I got swept up in deep  dicking the dirty bitch again while Cherry fingered herself watching (a  thought that did NOT help my erection) I pushed on. "Anyway. The missing  ingredient is an outside attack. Not something subtle, but a full scale  enemy raid. Something to draw eyes away from the city itself from  everyone not focused on the gang war. To do that, I've had Cherry  gathering some information, which I'm sure she's ready to share with  us."

"Did you need me to wait outside while you finish?"  Cherry's tone was wicked and teasing as she watched me paw at the busty  italian sorceress, taking obvious pleasure in watching me use her as I  saw fit, and at the corruption she no doubt knew was occurring.

Still,  Zee wasn't the only one here, and I wasn't letting her get the chain of  command twisted. My eyes snapped to hers. "Cherise if I need something  from you I'll tell you exactly what it is. If I want to shove her down  my cock and make you kneel in front of us with your mouth open to catch  her cunt drippings I'll do it. Now do I need to repeat myself or are you  going to tell me what you fucking found?" My tone was firm but not  harsh, making sure she knew she'd fucked up but that she wasn't in  trouble...yet.

Cherry shuddered a  bit in enjoyment of the treatment, and I realized seeing me paw at Zee  had made her jealous, so she'd teased me a bit to get some attention, I  shoved a third finger in Zee's cunt just to let her know I knew what she  was doing, and the sexy sorceress moaned and wriggled her fat ass  enticingly in my lap. I was enjoying the hell out of this, but I made a  mental note to try some meditation or some shit. This dragonkin  horniness was really getting in the way of me getting shit done, and  just fucking until I calmed down didn't seem to be a viable solution.

"As  you commanded I went out to look around and put some priority on the  groups you mentioned." Cherry was staring between Zee's legs hungrily,  but I was pretty sure she was looking at my hand and not the pussy it  was buried in. Though knowing Cherry it could be both. "As expected,  there are multiple powerful criminal groups in the city, seemingly  operating with tacit permission from the dynasty. Some of them seem to  be backed by forces from the palace itself, and a few are probably spies  from rival factions, but I haven't had time to dig them out."

I  shook my head dismissively. "That's not realistic in the short term.  Even with your abilities it's unlikely you're going to run across  evidence of espionage. Most of them would probably be rooted out by now.  Dark Opal is pretty universally hated, and doesn't seem to bother with  playing political games like the others. You might find ignored spy  rings in the other dynasties, left there to keep an eye on enemy agents,  but I imagine house Opal just kills them." She gave a nod, then began  to fill me in on the criminal influences in the city, as well as what  she managed to learn about their leanings and connections in the  nobility.

She talked for quite some  time, but eventually the mewling, squirming form of the fat titted  sorceress in my lap overwhelmed my patience and I shoved Zee down on the  bed stuffing myself into her cunt with a groan of satisfaction. Cherry  slid a hand into her pants but I stopped her, telling her to keep going  with her report, and she pouted sulkily as I started to rut the  spellcasting bombshell into the mattress. I had perfect recall, I could  multitask on a debriefing. Plus this would be a good punishment for  teasing me. Maybe next time she would be good and do as she was told.


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