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April 21st 2016 Gojo Penthouse 5:00 PM EDT

I  stayed up on the roof after Gojo left. Despite his departure I still  had training to do. Actual training that would help me get stronger, not  a complete nonsense beating before getting some bullshit advice. Ok,  that wasn't fair, it had been decent advice, but it pissed me off that  I'd just gotten knocked around before having the obvious pointed out to  me. Effective maybe, but it was still humiliating.

What  pissed me off even more was that I was positive that Gojo KNEW how  pissed I'd be, and how I'd channel that into training, and that he might  very well have done what he did to make me try harder EXACTLY AS I WAS  NOW DOING. I shook off that thought though. It was a pointless road to  go down, I needed to focus on my training now. I'd retracted my torc, I  didn't need it right now, and that left me with my other abilities to  test out my powers with.

I had to consider exactly what to  try first though. I had to use something that I considered small to  start out. Even with the help from it already being part of my powers I  couldn't use my real power too heavily yet. I considered everything and  then decided the easiest start would be a bolt of ectoplasm. I held up a  hand, calling to my ghostly nature to form an orb of ectoplasm above my  palm. Unlike usual though, instead of paying with points, I reached out  with the same part of me I used to lie to the world.

As  usual it was difficult, like using a muscle that wasn't developed enough  to properly flex, but it wasn't AS difficult as normal. The strain felt  intense but manageable, and it was actually faint enough to allow me to  function while I used the ability, which wasn't really the norm. For  the most part using my real power was debilitating, and required  absolute focus or some horrifying circumstances that forced me to  operate on a higher level completely. Despite all that, this time I  managed to use it to offset the cost of the bolt.

It was  fascinating to watch. Using my powers like this meant the bolt was slow  to form, literally crawling out of the air to form on my palm, this had  the unexpected benefit of letting me watch the thing form, and I had to  admit it was absolutely beautiful. Individual motes of ectoplasm, a  material that was both physical and spiritual, blazed up into existence.  It was amazing watching this sort of slime energy coalesce out of thin  air and gather together into a burning orb of power over my hand.

I  flicked my wrist, sending my first free bolt of ectoplasm sailing off  into the sky to explode in a burst of green light. I grinned and tried  again. A few more blasts. I expected each one to be easier, and at first  they were, but as I went on it got more and more tiring and I  eventually had to stop. Sweat dripped down from my forehead and into my  eyes as I panted for breath. Despite the tiring nature of the exercise  though I felt invigorated. I was doing it. I was getting stronger.

Granted  I'd been training like this for a while, but I could usually manage  only one or maybe two small changes in a short span of time. This was  exponentially more effective in terms of expenditure and most likely  development. I spent the next ten or fifteen minutes resting before  restarting my exercises. I conjured bolt after bolt, interspersing them  with shadow constructs I offset the same way, and even managing one of  my spike bombs for absolutely nothing before finally deciding to call it  a day.

This kind of training was good for my abilities,  but I knew that if I pushed too hard I could hurt myself. I felt  something...straining. Nothing I could identify, but something I knew  somehow I absolutely did NOT want to break. So I decided to call it a  day with working on my power and head back down to spend time with my  family. I walked back down the steps and made my way into the penthouse.  Morana was still with mom and Hana, my little sister was on my  daughters back, squealing with joy as her niece played horsey for her in  the cutest tableau possible.

Gojo noticed me coming in  and gave me a cheerful nod. After some time cool off and heal and some  training I wasn't as annoyed at my stepfather anymore. He'd warned me  the training would hurt, and it already seemed to be paying off. I  walked over and slumped down next to my mother on the couch. She looked  over at me with concern written plainly on her face. "Morgan, baby why  is your face so red. Are you sick?" She reached up to feel my forehead  for a fever, which seemed unlikely to say the least given I was half  ghost.

I caught her hand with a smile. "I'm fine ma, I was  just working out upstairs. Gotta keep in shape you know. So how was  your time with Rana? She's something else isn't she?" Her face lit up at  the reminder and I couldn't help but fell my heart warm. I remembered  our lives before when I was younger. Seeing her like this, married and  happy with a new baby and a grandaughter she obviously already adored  was...it was special.

My mother had been my only constant  for such a long time, and I hadn't ever really given her enough to repay  that. I didn't think I ever could. But despite that, some of my actions  had helped lead her here. In a big penthouse with a husband who loved  her and her two children and one grandchild. It wasn't perfect, or even  enough, but it was something. She deserved every second of it. She must  have seen my expression because she smiled fondly. "What is that look  about exactly? Feel like letting your mother in on the joke?"

I  just chuckled and shook my head. "It's nothing. Just happy to see you  happy. You and Hana both." I looked at my little sister, giggling up a  storm as she played horsey with my daughter, and I felt real peace. This  had been what I wanted to kick The Reach off this planet for. This had  been what I was protecting. My family. Their peace. But I wasn't done  yet. The Reach had come because of The Light, and they had come because  of Savage, and ultimately because of Darkseid. If I wanted real peace  for my loved ones I needed to show Apokalips that this world was off  limits.

My  mom bopped me on the head. I blinked at her owlishly and she just rolled  her eyes with a laugh. "Will you stop that? It makes me feel old to  have my sixteen year old son sit there looking like the weight of the  world is on his shoulders. I know what you've been upto. Paula keeps me  in the loop. You are not single handedly responsible for the protection  of this planet just because we live here. You want to see me happy? Live  your life. I'll be happy if my kids are happy. If my happiness comes at  the cost of my son's peace of mind it isn't worth having at all."

I  looked her in the eye, and all the power and experience melted away. I  was just sitting with my mom, like I used to do when I was a kid. She  was still worrying about me, even while I was worried about her. She  leaned forward to hug me tightly. "Hana does need our protection because  she's just a baby, but you're still my son. Don't run yourself ragged  trying to make things right. We'll be fine. Satoru and I can protect her  perfectly well. Just take care of you, and your girls, and now my  granddaughter."

I  felt the strength go out of my body as I rested my head against her  shoulder. It felt nice to let go a bit, to finally stop bracing for  impact. But it wasn't time for that. Not really. I pulled back, kissing  the top of her head. "And I'm part of this family, no matter what my age  is. But don't worry. I'm almost done. Just one last thing to take care  of, and everything will be fine. You guys just spend time with Hana. She  needs you, and she's lucky to have you. She couldn't ask for a better  mom. I know I couldn't have possibly had one better than you. I love you  ma."

She  kissed my forehead. "I love you too Morgan. I always will. And I'm so  damn proud of the person you've become. Just remember, no matter what  happens, you can always come home. You always have a place here with  us." She flicked her green eyes to one side to see my daughter crawling  around with her daughter on her back. "Both of you. Zee and Drea too."  She grinned at me wolfishly. "I notice neither of my daughter in laws  are here for this little meeting? They chicken out and stick you with  telling your terrifying mother about her new grandaughter?"

That  surprised another laugh out of me. "Drea was a bit nervous, but in the  end it was my call. I wanted to do this myself since I was the one who  spent the last week avoiding it. Zee probably would have come the same  day if I asked. You know she's not afraid of anything, and she loves  showing Rana off and talking about her. She adores you too." I couldn't  help a fond smile as I brought up my girl, she really was one of a kind.

Mom  knew that too, and she knew why she had such a special place in Zee's  heart. Having lost her own mother at a young age Zee adored my mom for  how close we were. She reminded her of her own mom, and my mother saw  Zatanna as her daughter in law already, ring or not. She knew me and Zee  were solid and that she was already part of the family. It was one of  the reasons she took a bit to warm up to Drea.

She  shook her head in amusement. "True, that girl doesn't have an ounce of  quit in her. Still, I think it's cute that Drea is so worried about what  I think despite being a literal goddess. It shows how much she cares  about you. She's a good girl. " Her face became serious, and she reached  out to grip my shoulders. "I'll trust her and Zee to bring you home  safe. I know this 'one last thing' you have to do is dangerous. I'd make  you bring Satoru if I wasn't sure that you would both say no. He  insists that really letting loose in a fight would bring attention from  things we don't want attention from."

That  was a troubling thought, but probably a smart one. "He's most likely  right. I certainly drew some when I started going all out. No, he's  better off here protecting Hana. I'm more than confident that I can  handle this, and I have friends to bring with me too. Don't worry so  much, everything will be ok." I pulled her into another hug, this one a  bit tighter, and held it, just enjoying the feeling of being home.

Her  chuckle this time sounded a bit wet, and I knew I didn't want to see  the shimmering of unshed tears in her eyes, so I didn't let go. "Stupid  boy. A mother always worries. Just keep everyone safe and bring them  home. We'll have a big family dinner afterward, so I can give those  girls some more advice on how to handle my idiot son." I was looking  forward to that, and to all of this finally ending. Being in danger  myself didn't bother me, but dealing with threats to my family really  got to me. Thank the gods it was almost over.


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