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January 27th 2016 Midnite Club 8:00 PM EDT

It  took Jade all day to track down Strega. Apparently the evil red clad  serial murderess was more subtle about what she did than how she  dressed. Eventually though, I got directed to a bar in New York. Luckily  Gotham was pretty close, so I was able to make the drive in just an  hour or so, and I finally arrived at Papa Midnite's clubs at around  eight PM. As I pulled up outside I made sure my mask and regalia were  straight. I was going into this place as a villain, so I needed to look  my best, not that it was hard.

I'd considered a few  methods of getting Strega's attention. Blackmail, extortion, recon, but  in the end none of those ideas appealed to me. Even if I was trying to  build myself a better profile, there was really only one way to handle a  slutty redheaded psycho with big jiggly tits. I was going to fuck her.  It wouldn't be a tough sell I was guessing, supervillainesses were  notoriously either ice cold or kind of slutty, and I wouldn't call  anyone who put her sweater puppies on display like that frigid.

Plus,  I just looked fucking great. She would probably accept and then try to  use me as a sacrifice or something, but once I was finished with her  she'd be so desperate for my attention she'd be willing to shine my  shoes with her pussy. Still, if I was too obvious about it I'd fuck up  Mammon's rep, so I would slow play. Make some connections, meet some  other villains, and just generally get my name out there. Once I was  just another face in the bar I'd work on getting a piece of that masked  ass.

I strolled up casually to the front of the  surprisingly ratty club and walked down a set of steps into a recessed  alcove below street level. A goth looking guy with thick eyeliner was  sitting on a stool looking bored, and the man across from him was  staring at the back of a card like he was trying to look through it.  "Fish on a bicycle." Goth guy nodded and flipped the card, revealing the  image the other man had predicted, then rapped out a few beats on the  dingy metal security door.

It opened and the man went in,  and I walked up to take his place. Goth guy looked bored and held up  another card. I appraised it and responded. "Monkey with an accordion."  He paused, looking surprised, and raised an eyebrow at me. Before  nodding. He banged on the door but I had to stop and ask. "Ok,  seriously. Why the cards? Like I get it's supposed to be some psychic  power magical potential thing, but you guys don't gave like a magical  geiger counter or something?"

He gives me a bland smile  and pulls out a small wand that was sitting inside the podium he was  standing next to. He showed it to me, revealing the series of runes  along it's length, ten in total, four of which were lit. I snorted.  "Your boss is an asshole." The silent man just grinned and shrugged,  sliding the wand back into the podium and pulling out a book that he  opened to a seemingly random page. I shook my head in amusement as I  stepped into the open door, ignoring how it suddenly closed behind me  with zero warning.

The inside of the club was...loud. Loud  and weirdly lit. All the lights were red and annoying, presumable to  hide all the blood. There were some real monsters in this place,  vampires, demons, angels, all doing whatever came naturally. Feeding and  gambling and whatever else their weaselly black hearts desired. I had  to admit, I liked the place. It was my style. Chaotic Neutral at it's  absolute finest.

I'd called Zee one the drive up, and  she'd come down enough to give me the skinny on this place. Papa Midnite  was an old school witch doctor. A Vodun practitioner who, as they said  in their parlance 'served with both hands' which meant he did a little  bit of everything. Way back in the day he made his money taking jobs for  either side, accruing just enough good will among the various powers  with he reputation for keeping contracts to cash it all in opening this  club.

Midnite's was neutral territory. A meeting place  supported by forces or dark and light and defended by it's owner. Good  and evil were just words here. People did what they wanted, and unless  they started trouble Midnite didn't care. The whole place made me  nervous. I'd only just found out demons were real, and there were like  six cambion in this fucking bar. Not to mention a few legit angel spawn,  which I hadn't known was even a thing. Still, the one good thing about  Midnite's was that since everyone was so scary, no one was. I blended  right in.

I'd asked Zee why the hell Strega (who Zee  apparently did NOT get along with) would drive up here just to get a  drink, and the answer was pretty straightforward. As neutral territory  Midnite's was protected from almost every kind of observation and  scrying magic by both spells and literal divine mandates. This place was  locked up tighter than a catholic confessional when it came to  eavesdropping, so clearly Strega wanted some time away from possible  watchers. Made me kind of doubt her insistence her boss hadn't been  watching. Fingers crossed my mask's ability held up.

I  scanned the bar slowly, looking for anyone I recognized to start a chat  with. I still wanted to make sure and blend before I approached Strega. I  scanned the room, noting several people I'd heard of but never met.  Felix Faust, Saturna, Black Alice. The place was a whose who of magic  villains. People I'd heard of from their forays into more mundane  supercrime, but definite household names. I also noticed a shockingly  pale girl with a red gem on her forehead and a cape sitting an reading.  Some comparison to the hooker I'd fucked convinced me this must be  Raven. Obviously my first move was appraising her.

[Appraisal  function activated. Treasure detected. Raven Roth-B ranked demonkin.  The only earthbound daughter of the interdimensional conqueror Trigon,  Raven is a powerful sorceress and extremely paranoid. Due to her fathers  nature her abilities react unpredictably to strong emotion. Raven  practices several emotion suppressing forms of meditation to prevent  slippage. Warning, this soul is owned, attempts to mark it, while  successful, may enrage to wronged party.]

I  tried to estimate how powerful something had to be for it to have kids  at B rank. Considering it had called him an interdimensional conqueror I  was guessing very. I also wasn't likely to manage to fuck her, given  her extreme aversion to feeling things or going out of control, and even  if I did using my desire manipulation on her was likely to have  seriously complicated repercussions when it disturbed her emotions. All  in all, this girl was basically custom made for someone like me not to  fuck with.

So naturally I sat  down across the table from her without hesitation. I wouldn't be fucking  her today, but I was sure given enough time I could figure out how to  cleanse some of that demonic taint away enough to get my hooks in her.  Until then, I'd at least try to get myself ingratiated with her. She was  fucking C rank, so even if she didn't let me fuck her I was sure she  would be plenty useful. "Hi there, nice to meet you. I go by Mammon, but  it's just a name, I'm not an actual demon, despite my devilish good  looks."

She  raised an eyebrow at me, and I literally couldn't calculate the amount  of scorn in that expression. It was actually kind of hot. "I'm not  interested. Maybe try those succubi twins at the next table. I imagine  they would appreciate your...abundant stamina." She could clearly send  my dense life energy, which was interesting, but she just as clearly had  no interest. This wasn't Zee. Raven didn't NEED more power. She needed  less. Regardless, after having said her piece she went back to her book.

I  waved that off. "I'm not here to try to sleep with you, I have someone  else in mind for my evening's entertainment. You just seem like the kind  of person I'd like to get to know." I decided to take a chance and  bullshit a bit. "After all I know quite a bit about cleansing demonic  aura. Yours is pretty thick, but given enough time I'm pretty sure I can  purge it from you. I wonder what that would be worth to you?" I assumed  she would think I was bullshitting, but I wasn't EVENTUALLY I was sure I  could purge her. It would just take time.

She  snorted. "Nice try. You'd have had a better shot just offering to pay  me off. Wouldn't be the first time I've sucked dick for money. I don't  talk to charlatans though, and anyone who claims they can purge me of  demonic taint can't be anything else. So why don't you move along before  I stop being so pleasant." Her voice was hard, and I'm pretty sure I'd  offended her by even offering.

Not  wanting to piss off someone that strong I put my hands up defensively.  "Whoa, don't shoot. Just thought I'd offer, I'm going. If you want to  take me up on the offer get in contact with the Penguin in Gotham. He  knows how to get in touch with me." I stood up and strolled away. I'd  planted a seed, and more than that wouldn't do me any good right now. I  wasn't in a position to actually purge her, and I wouldn't be for a  while. It would take something seriously powerful to pull off that kind  of purification, and I didn't have the points for something like that  yet.

I left  her with the knowledge that I knew Penguin well enough to use him as an  answering service, which would give me some credibility. Then I headed  over to sit down next to Strega at the bar. I ordered a drink then  looked over at her. "I like the mask. Apparently we have very similar  taste in facewear." She stopped, turning her head to look at me. She  took in my mask, then my coat, then my size, and finally my body. I  pushed her desire for me up a few notches, just to move things along.

She  was clearly impressed with what she saw, because she leaned in close  with a pout. "Should I be offended you're looking at my face? Most men  are usually drawn to...other parts of ensemble." She put a hand on my  arm, purring a bit as she felt the muscle. "I'd introduce myself, but I  don't think we need any names. I've been stressed and looking for a fun  time. You seem VERY fun." I was pretty sure she was planning to kill me  and use me to fuel some sort of ritual, but hey, it was an easy in.

I  wound my arm around to put it behind her, grabbing her hip and pulling  her closer. "I like women who are forward. What's say we take this back  to your place?" I assumed she was planning to try to sacrifice me after  we had sex, and offering to go into her territory would make it an even  more enticing offer. I shoved my way into her desires, fucking with her  inhibitions and making the offer too enticing to resist, but contrary to  my expectations she didn't seem to be receptive to that offer.

She  shook her head. "No, I have other things to do before I got home.  Besides." She squeezed my bicep. "I don't feel like waiting. So here's  how this is going to work. I've been stressed lately, so I'm going to  get up and walk into the back hallway, and then you're going to follow  me in there and fuck me stupid. If you're good I might give you my  number and you might get a second shot." Then she stood up, turned and  sauntered away, hips swaying. I was just stuck there, trying to figure  out if she was really slutty or if I just pushed really hard. I shrugged  internally. Either way I got what I wanted. Guess I had to go break in  another crazy redhead. I was beginning to wonder if I had a type.


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