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April 18th 2016 Tukahoe Funland 8:00 PM EDT

This  place wasn't as nice as the other park I took Dreamer to. I'd heard  some big goofy guy ranting about it at a burger place I went to, and had  decided to check it out as a fun day, but it was kind of run down.  However, that didn't stop us from going, or stop our daughter from  deciding to tag along, completely ignoring all mentions of dates and  proclaiming this 'family fun day'. Zee had finally managed to get a  meeting with Doctor Fate (which I made Jim accompany her to, just in  case) so Morana, Dreamer and I had the day to ourselves at the park.

Dreamer  was over the moon. She was excitedly showing Morana all the games, and  at the moment they were standing in front of an old beat up dunking  booth. Morana looked confused. "So, I throw this ball at that circle and  the guy in the glass box will fall in the water? But...why? Does he  have some problem with bathing? He needs to be attacked to wash himself  or something? Sorry Mama, I don't really understand your fascination  with this game. Like I could open a shadow portal and dump water on his  head if you want him to get rinsed off."

Dreamer  tsked knowingly, as if she hadn't asked almost the same questions not  too long ago, but I didn't call her in it. She was sharing her hobbies  with our daughter and it was frankly adorable. She placed a soft hand on  Morana's shoulder. "Because Rana, the bathing isn't the point. It's a  test of skill. For people with duller senses or less strength hitting  the target is a challenge. That man risks falling into the water so  people will wager money on their ability to hit the circle. Essentially  taunting them in order to inspire monetary reward."

Morana  nodded seriously. "Ah, that's pretty brave I guess. I can't believe  normal mortals could have trouble throwing a ball that far. It's only a  few feet. I think I'd have to actively try to miss at this range." Which  was true, but only because she'd inherited my skill at throwing weapons  from my ninja training. She was being diplomatic too. Neither of us had  a possibility of missing that shot without purposefully throwing off  course, there was no thinking involved. Still, she looked serious as she  wound up and hurled the ball.

It  hit the circle and the dry but rumpled booth attendant dropped into the  water with a wince that probably had to do with how absolutely  disgusting the water was. I was pretty sure most people missed, because  he looked moody when he climbed out. The man off the side selling the  balls and giving out prizes snickered a bit as his coworkers misfortune  as he gestured us over. "Well done miss. What prize would you like? You  got it in one shot so you select anything on display that looks like  your kind of trophy."

Morana  glanced seriously around the booth, eyes roving over the prizes like  the selection was a life or death decision, and after a few seconds of  perusal she snagged a stuffed puppy with a whisky barrel around its neck  and clutched it to her chest. Her expression didn't even twitch, but it  was still the most adorable thing I'd ever seen, and she was radiating  so much happiness it made me want to burst into laughter and sweep her  up in a hug. I turned to Dreamer. "So Drea, you're clearly the  experienced one here, what's our next stop on Rana's tour?"

Dreamer  lifted her chin haughtily. "Well obviously any true park connoisseur  knows that your last stop has to be the ferris wheel. Parking is serious  business, you need to get that perfect final view before you leave." I  had to fight down the urge to burst into gales of laughter at the  incredibly smug expression on my girlfriend's face, and at the absolute  awe on my daughters as she took in her mother's 'knowledge'.

I  pulled Dreamer against me, putting my other arm around my daughter as I  steered them toward the giant wheel. "You just used a noun as a  completely made up verb to prove a point. That's the most Earthlike  thing I've ever heard you do, I've never been so proud. We can head to  the ferris wheel, but how about we send Rana to go pick out some snacks  for the ride. They have funnel cake here."

Dreamer  cuddled against me, grinning at our daughter, and pointed to the food  stand. "Go get as much as you want to eat and grab extra for us." She  handed her a hundred. "That should cover as much as even you can eat." I  passed her the spatial ring on my finger to carry the food in, though  only after making sure she understood that it was a delicate piece of  equipment and needed to be handled with respect. After a fair bit of eye  rolling and promising to be careful she darted off to the booth,  agreeing to meet us at the giant mechanical wheel.

I  kissed Dreamer on the head. "So why do I have the sneaking suspicion  you just wanted some alone time to talk without out excitable progeny  listening in. Hope you aren't mad our date got pushed back, you aura  seemed pretty calm at the idea and I think you're having fun, but if  you're mad about our alone time I can promise to make it up to you." I  very deliberately looked into her eyes and not down her low cut shirt  when I said that, but her smirk made it clear she knew what I was  talking about.

She  shook her head, her glistening black hair bouncing. "Not at all. I'm  not worried about having you to myself, I'm well aware I'll get as much  of you as I can take anytime I ask." She winder suggestively before  resuming her thought, her smirk turning into a soft smile. "I just  wanted to thank you for letting me take the lead. It feels good to be  sharing a part of the things we've done together with our daughter." She  shook her head in wonder. "I still can't get past that. We have a  daughter. All three of us. Even for New Genesis that's not exactly the  usual method. It's a surprise, though a pleasant one."

I  didn't blame her for the shock. It was still blowing my mind, but  contrary to what you hear about teen pregnancies and guys my age having  children I just couldn't really bring myself to feel overwhelmed or  scared. Not really. There was some initial shock, but being around  Morana, the connection we had because she was still a part of us, she  just...clicked. Like a missing puzzle piece that fir in perfectly  between the three of us as a family. Well, mostly I wasn't afraid, I was  still dreading telling my mother.

I  squeezed her against my side. "I get you, but I know you're as glad  she's here as I am. I'm just worried about my mom. She was just getting  used to me dating two girls. Finding out she's a grandmother to a girl  almost as old as her son is going to be a tough thing to sell her on.  Not that she would take it out on Rana, she's going to spoil that girl  rotten, no, I'm more worried about what she'll do to me."

Dreamer  was grinning from ear to ear. "Big bad ghost devil keyblade wielder is  afraid his mommy will be mad at him. It's always cute when you show your  humanity like that. Most people with your levels of power would have  long since gotten over any fear of their mother." Her voice was fond as  she stared up at me adoringly, and I leaned down to give her a slow  kiss.

When I  pulled back I had to shake my head though. "I think you're  underestimating mothers, bet you any superhero you ask who still has one  is petrified of their mother, most of the villains too probably. It's  just the power balance. Unless you're a complete monster your mom is  always going to be able to make you feel like shit with a glance.  Doesn't mean I always listen to her mind you, but she can always stare  me down. I owe her that much. The woman gave her whole life to raising  me..." I trailed off. "I don't suppose you would be willing to be the  one to tell her."

She  burst out laughing. "ME? Gods no. That woman terrifies me. You ever  notice all the men in her life, even the ones that aren't her son, are  powerful and important, and every single one of them does everything she  says? Even Jim listens to her, and they never even got romantic. No  dear heart, she just now finally likes me, if you want someone to tell  her, ask Zatanna. She absolutely adores our girl."

I  just sighed. "No, you're right, it should be me. I'll just bring Rana  along to hide behind. Speaking of which, here she comes." We'd reached  the ferris wheel, and out daughter was weaving through the crowd  carrying armloads of junk food. She flicked my ring at me, and a quick  check showed a few snacks for the two of us, and I caught the obvious  implication the rest of it was for her. I raised an eyebrow. "You get  enough to eat? Sure you won't be hungry later?"

She  stuck her tongue out at me. "You know as well as I do that both of us  eat more than any ten people you can name. But I decided not to get too  much this time. It wouldn't be ladylike." She raised her chin haughtily,  just like Dreamer had done earlier, and I had to marvel at the  similarities to us yet again. She had little bits of all of our  mannerisms in there. Little reminders of both of my girls and me  besides.

I  held up my ring. "What about me. You just said both of us. Why did I  only get two churros and one small funnel cake. You get your vitality  from me. Least you could do was pick me up a few things of nachos, maybe  a bag of popcorn." We stepped up to show our wristbands to the  attendant and boarded the ferris wheel. He checked we were seated and  slammed the door, gesturing for us to take a seat. I say down on on side  with Dreamer and Morana sat on the other, stacking her piles of food  next to her smugly as she challengingly bit into a deep friend twinky.

Dreamer  held up her hands. "Enough you two. Rana, give your father a box of  nachos and two of those corndogs. Morgan, pass me whatever is in there  for me." The ride lurched into motion and she smiled over at our  daughter, who had frozen halfway to handing over the goods to stare out  the side of the compartment. "It's gorgeous right? I know you can fly,  but this is a pretty spectacular view, even for someone like me. So what  do you think, this what you expected in a family day?"

Morana's  eyes were glued to the lights below as we ascended, but she swallowed  hard and nodded. "I...yeah. Thanks, both of you. Sorry if I ruined your  date. I just...I wanted to spend time with you. I know I can be pushy,  but I didn't mean anything by it." She handed over the food, doing her  best not to meet our eyes.

I  popped a nacho in my mouth, crunching it obnoxiously. "I told you kid.  You're not an imposition. I had a great day with you today." I turned to  look out over the illuminated park, the setting sun painting the whole  thing a gorgeous shade of red. "We should do this again sometime. Making  time for Drea is important, but so is making time for you. Maybe we can  set up a regular day to do things as a family. After all, I'm still  getting to know you. " I didn't mention it, but I was pretty sure she  was still getting to know herself. Regardless this had been a good day,  and I looked forward to many more like it. It was just one more reason  The Reach had to go.


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