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January 8th 2016 Gotham City 11:00 PM EDT

So  I had fifteen thousand points and a whole bunch of stuff to fuse. My  first real decision was what direction to go in. Whisper had gotten me a  few animals, and I wanted to try to work those in somewhere, but not  all of them obviously, because that would turn her into a mess. Once I  got her a new race, hopefully a G ranked one, I wanted to be able to  upgrade it later, which meant being able to make higher level versions  of the things that I made here, so I needed to try to keep the  ingredients down.

First step was  to appraise everything. Most of it was J rank, which was fine, some I  thrown in and even an H or two. The animals were all I ranked, along  with a few of the desserts, eclairs etc. I was pretty sure Whisper had  just raided a bunch of storage units and high end restaurants.  Surprisingly the two H ranked items were a bottle of wine and a  painting, but honestly neither had much use for combination here, so I  kept them for later, deciding to focus on which animal to use as a base.

[Appraisal function activated. Treasure detected.  Eastern Green Mamba- I rank. A venomous snake native to the coastal  regions of southern East Africa. Due to it's arboreal nature and  striking green color the Eastern Green Mamba blends flawlessly into  foliage and is a deadly ambush predator.]

Look,  I knew that picking the snake was edgy. But it was SO green. Like  insanely green. It was gorgeous. My only real issue here was that I  hadn't gotten wings for her, which I'd really wanted. Still, I wasn't  necessarily pinned to one specific animal, I didn't want to get too  complicated, but I could use two without dipping into crazy manticore  territory. I put a pin in the mamba, confirming one of my choices as I  checked out the few birds she had brought until I found on I liked.

[Appraisal function activated. Treasure detected. Fiery  throated hummingbird- I rank. An incredibly small and  nimble bird with  a beautiful coloration. Capable of sustained flight, the hummingbird is  onle of the only birds able to hover in place.]

Check  and check. I wanted both of these. They were still I rank so I needed  to merge them with something to boost them up. I decided I actually  COULD use the bottle of wine and the painting in my merging process and  took them back out, but saved them for after I found something to boost  each of the animals to H rank. Once they matched the items I'd fuse them  each with one, and then with each other to get the F ranked beast I  wanted. I rifled through the piles and found the biggest most flawless  emerald and opal I could find and then started combining.

[Appraisal function activated. Treasure detected. Emerald  Mamba- H rank. A beautiful creature of living stone, the emerald mamba  is a living precious jewel. Capable of a bite than can petrify it's  victims into the gem that shares it's name this fearsome beast is as  deadly as it is breathtaking.]

As  the light from the merge faded I was dumbstruck. The appraisal wasn't  wrong. The delicate tracery of brilliant green not quite translucent  scales and eyes that glowed a blazing green made the animal intimidating  as hell, but they lent it an air of otherworldy beauty and mystery. I  turned to the hummingbird excitedly initiating the merge with the huge I  ranked opal to see what would come about.

[Appraisal function activated. Treasure detected. Fire  throated bird of paradise- H rank. A beautiful and nimble bird whose  plumage shines with the shifting color of a thousand jewels, this bird  possesses the ability to breath multicolored prismatic flame.]

If  the snake was breathtaking then this thing was fucking heartstopping.  The colors of the feathers were somehow none of and all of the colors on  the rainbow, shifting with every movement to encompass more and more  beautiful hues, some of which I didn't think even existed outside this  animal. I walked over and picked up the H ranked bottle of wine. I'd  sent Whisper into the bathroom to strip and wait for me to bring the  materials, so I didn't want to drag this out too long. I initiated the  merge between the mamba and bottle.

[Appraisal  function activated. Treasure detected. Emerald Blooded liquor serpent- G  rank. A descendant of a liquor dragon, the bite of this serpent  petrifies it's victims into the emerald whose liquid form flows through  its veins. The serpents gaze possesses the hypnotic fascination of a  precious gem, creating a sense of drunken euphoria in the viewer. The  beautiful scales of this beast are tougher than normal emeralds, and can  be further refined through the consumption of such stones.]

Well  that was fucking metal. My first G ranked animal was a goddamn  masterpiece. It even had hints of dragon in it. I wasn't sure exactly  what a liquor dragon was, or if it even actually existed before now, but  it sounded awesome, and there was basically nobody who didn't want a  fucking dragon of their own. I turned to the bird and activated the  merge with the colorful painting, wondering what it was going to come  out as.

[Appraisal function activated. Treasure detected. Arcadian  Hummingbird- G rank. A work of living art whose very presence brings  beauty to the world. The Arcadian fire of the hummingbird mesmerizes and  entrances the viewer, even as they burn to death in its all consuming  blaze.]

Less  complicated that the serpent, but also less impressive. I was guessing  the serpent was close to F rank already based on some of it's  attributes. F ranked items were much more complex and nuanced than their  lower ranked counterparts. That said, it was finally time to commence  the last merge. I was about to create my first F ranked animal, the  first creature I would ever create. I initiated the combination. The  light consumed the two creatures, fueled by ten thousand greed points as  it wove together their very essence, and when it cleared I was in awe.

[Appraisal function activated. Treasure detected. Arcadian  Feathered Serpent- F rank. A creature of fascination and desire. The  scales and feathers of the serpent hypnotize and entice their prey, and  their very gaze can petrify a victim to precious stone should it so  choose. The breath of the serpent creates a mesmeric prismatic fire that  can consume either the body or the mind. The serpent subsists on rare  and beautiful gems. Due to its high speed and versatility in the air,  combined with its mesmerizing capabilities, the serpent is nearly  uncatchable in the sky, and it's blood is a powerful intoxicant,  creating a sense of euphoria and beautiful hallucinations in the  drinker.]

It  was...perfect. I felt like I had never seen color before in my life.  Like I'd been living in a black and white world and this was the full  depth of the UV spectrum painted across my bleak and empty world. I'd  never seen anything so spellbinding in my life, and I had to force my  eyes away because I could absolutely stare at this thing until the end  of time. I opened the cage taking the thing out without fear. It's  scales were soft and silky to the touch when stroked along the grain,  but I knew they would shred my flesh if I tried to go against it.

I  wasn't afraid of the beast. It was mine. Everything the Greed System  created was mine by right. Animals knew this, they understood who they  belonged to, and this serpent would no more harm me than chew out its  own heart. I looked into it's gorgeous prismatic eyes, and said  seriously. "I'm going to introduce you to someone special. Behave." The  serpent flicked it's eyes to the side in a gesture that looked  suspiciously sulky and I rolled mine with a good natured smile. Then I  carried it into the bathroom.

Whisper  was kneeling on the floor, bare ass naked and waiting for me. When I  came in she looked up and her eyes froze on the serpent. Her decently  sized and very perky breasts stopped heaving as she became entranced,  and I smiled a bit at that. "So. Are you ready?" She jerked like she'd  been shocked, and I had to chuckle. "Are you ready to become one with  this serpent? To become more than you are?" She swallowed heavily and  nodded, and I grinned, walking over to her and draping the serpent over  her head. Then, with only a moment of hesitation, I activated the merge.

[Appraisal function activated. Treasure detected. Whisper  A'daire- G rank Arcadian Serpent-Kin. Devoted servant of the Greed  Bearer Nicholas Lord, Whisper possessed latent serpentine genes that  boosted her synergy with the Arcadian Feathered Serpent with which her  lord combined her. The resulting being is a creature devoted to the  service and pleasure of her lord at all costs possessing all of the  traits of her serpentine forebear,all the cunning and fanaticism of her  former human self, and filled with gratitude toward him for making her  someone special.]

I  hadn't known Whisper's last name, though given her faint accent it made  sense, but that was hardly the most eye catching thing about her now. I  walked a slow circle around her, taking in her beauty and savoring it. I  ran my hands over her skin, enjoying the feel of it. Whisper had  been...reborn. Her hair was a brilliant fiery red, thick and soft and  her skin was smooth and unlined. Along her wrists, forearms, neck and  jaw glimmering trails of prismatic scales were traced whirling along her  body in mesmerizing patterns.

Her  back bore a pair of radiant multicolored wings that somehow flattened  into beautiful tattoos when not extended trailing down the smooth  expanse of her spine to that scrumptious ass I adored so much. I pulled  her up by the arm, spinning her to kiss me and feeling a surge of  exultant joy at the knowledge that I wanted her and could take her at  any time. I kissed her and her saliva tasted like the sweetest ambrosia  I'd ever imagined. The Blood protected me from deleterious effects but I  felt fire sing in my veins as the intoxicating features of her fluids  filled me with euphoria.

Her  lips and tongue didn't have as much effect as her blood, so it was only  a slight buzz, but I was rock hard instantly. Without even being told  Whisper sank to her knees and pulled my cock out, staring with a hungry  gaze up into my eyes with her prismatic irises as she unhinged her jaw  and took me to the base. She slid her hands up my thighs and with her  eyes shining with love and gratitude she began to work me.

She  didn't bob her head or gag herself. My Whisper didn't need that sort of  indignity to please her lord now. She just began to ripple the muscles  in her throat, rolling them up and down me like a woman rolling on a  condom with her very wet cunt. It wasn't as good as pussy fucking, but  it felt amazing, and I began to feel that same euphoria as her saliva  was absorbed through my skin. I groaned. "Fuck, that's so good Whisper,  but I need more. Put on a show for your god."

Whisper's  eyes smouldered and she put her hands to my thighs rolling her hips and  ass bonelessly into a standing position as her throat jerked me closer  to completion with her moving an inch, then as I watched, her hips  started to grind, then sway, then bounce. As I sat there enjoying the  depths of my devoted servant's new snakelike throat she started clapping  the money maker that made me want her in the first place. My balls  tightened and as I unloaded down her neck, watching her clap her  unbelievably fat ass with sinuous movements that should have been  humanly impossible I let out a satisfied groan. I counted this as a  complete success.


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