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seeing the game dev side was fantastic and hilarious. so we beat either a mid game or end game boss at the start and we can see one is salty it wasn't impossible as the other understands game balance xD but that inventory space gift was fantastic even before the reveal it had all that treasure! this ep def changed the anime as we know it

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I guess the SLF mini content is really attached to the budget for each episode. As there wasn't much of action scenes, they could do a kind of "full episode", instead of episode + mini.

Tobias Reinhold

Not sure whether you remembered it or not, but the name of the flower is a literal combination of the names "Setsuna" and "Towa". Pencilgon's actual name is "Towa Amane", that's why she says that the flower perfectly represents the two of them.


i just realize from this episode revealed why know one knew who all the seven unique monsters were because it was done so on purpose so each defeat reveal knew information on the next in line.so weatherman reveal wasn't suppose to be know until the orginal four was overcome. pencilgon said she found him by accident and it would have remaine that way had she not gotten attach to that n.p.c


After episode 19 I got annoyed I had to wait a week so I caught up with the manga, and I gotta say it's very consistent. Either way this episode was really fun, especially getting to see the behind the scenes for the game