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when your MC is going to get herself killed by being an idiot who falls for Mimic every single time while also being so powerful Denken would have ran for the hills if it wasn't a test 😂💀 what a powerful idiot 

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Didrik Svahn

I love how Frieren was basically like “I know that the spell said that it was a mimic. But that is only 99% certain, and that 1% difference could means that this have some awesome forgotten grimore. So with all my 1000 years of experience I can tell that this is not a mimic.” Then the next scene “Aaahhh it’s so dark and scarier here inside the mimic”🤣


Frieren's end will definitely be a Mimic. And putting a perfect copy of Frieren as the "boss"? ... That's outright unfair. lol Next episode will be interesting!

Jan Pettersson

I am hoping for a fight between clone-sense and Frieren, so we finally can see what a first-class mage can do.

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

One thing that is terrifying about clone-Frieren is that this clone version will actually go for the kill unlike how Denken knew beforehand that she wasn't going for his life when he fought her in the first test. And he understands that.