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honestly when that gate opened id have turned around and stopped for dinner said screw that lmao. im worried for Reystov he's the only character i feel like could die in this moment but let's try! 

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Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

Like it was said in this episode, normally healing and anti-curse/illness divine blessings from priests are limited. The only reason Will can basically do as many as he wants and with insanely high potency (such as being able to cure hydra poison, or purging the corruption of a huge part of the river, etc.) is because he is not just a priest. He's the champion of his goddess as a result of both being chosen and having made such a huge Oath to his goddess. Mary was the same, just with the goddess Mater instead. They basically have their Goddesses on a dial and cheerleading for them at all time. If it was just the goddesses liking them a lot, they would be able to do more than others, but not to this extent. It wouldn't work to this extent without their Oath to their goddesses being so grand. It's the combination of both being loved by the a god and devoting yourself to that god to the same intensity as their great love for you that makes one into a Champion of a God. Because even beyond having a divine Champion's immense amount of divine power for your Blessings isn't the end of the line here. If your God only has you as their Champion for the sake of a divine plan, then outside of times where you need more power to accomplish the divine plan, the God wouldn't give more power than what you received from the Champion Oath. HOWEVER, if the God in question loves you unconditionally beyond just using you for a divine plan, like in the case of Mary with Mater and Will with Gracefeel, then even if you were to run out of power, the God in question would happily give you the lack power from their own divine energy regardless of cost to themselves, even without any benefit for them, even if it would weaken them.

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

Basically, the difference between an elf who eats meat and one who doesn't isn't about power, but more about it being a cultural/religious tradition. All elf capable of battle can call upon spirits to varying degrees. Dinelind is however more specialized with physical combat and archery. And more importantly, because she is implied to have just be an average spirit user (from the point of view of elves, so still good), the current state of the forest and the miasma everywhere makes it so that she became unable to call upon the spirits at all. The elves who stop eating meat as per their beliefs are usually the ones who are primarily spirit mages(who either only use Spirits, or use both Spirits and Words of Power). Even in the current state of the forest, these would've been able to call upon the spirits still, but their power would be greatly reduced. This combined with their custom of the strong leaving to find outside help and to find food for the weak is the reason why none of the truly powerful elves of this place are still alive. Heck, the one who was undead and whose spirit guided Will and co. in the right direction seems to have one such spirit mage based on her attire not being one for combat despite the location they were found in. As for Meneldor, he was born with a strong affinity for spirits, but due to being an outcast he wasn't brought up as a spirit mage (in addition to the elves of his forest also giving great importance to archery and hunting in general due to their worship and praise for their lost great hero whose bow Menel is now using). However, even with that, Menel wouldn't have been able to call upon the spirits in the rotted forest. The ONLY reason Menel is still able to call upon spirits, even weakly, is because the spirits feel his Lord of the Forest lingering power within him. And even then, they still react weakly, and only react strongly and quickly when Menel is actively using the Lord of the Forest power to command the spirits.