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Rudy is a very flawed character but that's always been why I enjoyed watching this show. he does plenty of things like this episode that aren't justifiable but it's fascinating seeing his growth over a show like this. no one should be relating to Rudy in these moments but it's nice to have a MC like him that isn't justified as being some perfect MC but rather flawed. I feel like too many who watch act like Rudy is supposed to be the viewer when no, he is a flawed MC you follow not relate to, but also too many excuse Rudy's many horrible acts. this was a good episode where Rudy makes you uncomfortable and that;s the point

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In the novel, Sylphie's POV chapters were just a couple pages of her perspective in between Rudeus's longer chapters. The beginning actually showed more or less the entirety of her first POV chapter, and I'm hoping they continue the formula this episode took with showing both perspectives.


Yeah, its a shame the POV chapters get cut, as they offer alot of insight into what's *actually* going on. Eris's POV at the end of volume 6 was a revelation as to who she was a character and recontextualized everything about her. One of the biggest mistakes the anime made is how they barely touched on it at the end of Season 1. One thing I can say, is they get more and more important as the LNs go on so I think its going to be harder to flat out skip some of these POV chapters