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exactly what I wanted to see after that last arc, reason and growth for how Monika behaves and why she will become more considerate. If S1 was this well structured it would be top 5 of the season every week for many im sure 

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Didrik Svahn

I think they said that this flashback was two months ago. But I love how they have done Monika as a foil to Klaus. In how her skills and talents pretty much are on his level. But that her motivation is the problem. As when she have been a prodigy in almost everything. Most things started to feel meaningless to her, as she wanted to find her call in life. Which maybe could have been because she did grow up outside of the war. So she doesn’t have a strong connection to it like the other girls. And how she now have finally found her spark in life


yeah but it does a good job at showing us how she was opening up as the last arc made her view very one sided but now we can reflect back and actually see how much more complex it was than we were led to believe. it does a good job at making you reconsider previous opinions seeing this other side

Didrik Svahn

Yeah if this was how season 1 was then it would have been much better received. As I have said this before but will say it again. Which is that the first season felt like they did air the episodes in the wrong order at the start. Because we started the first main mission at episode two which was far too early. To actually care about if the girls would die or get hurt. As they seemed put all of their eggs in that reveal of a hidden member. Which did backfire hard on them. Also isn’t disguises that works/looks too good/accurate part of the spy genre? Seeing how it’s such a common trope in it like how the disguises in Mission impossible works for example


yeah cause despite this episode not taking place right after the last arc it does flow perfectly fine so we learn about others like Thea more in the group and naturally this episode flows off of it. s1 just was jumbled af