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im so confused watching this show and I love that. Even though heaven is 99.99% confirmed to be the past, we can assume Maru is a child born from some of the kids there(probably tokio unless others managed to get knocked up which seems unlikely given the adults reactions), the big question remains, wtf the point of this place??? I think all these stories probably are partially true and the real truth is hidden in a combo of asteroids, aliens, war, etc. making the school a countermeasure for a world threat

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Rajvir Malhans

There is really a lot of false flags and partial truths to the story. And I just realized how Asura was supposed to look rather odd with the big head but seems like it’s questionable on her fate still since Mimihime potentially sees her. The bird picture looks eerily similar to Asura. I’m just curious about the new female director, the place where females bred with men using them as livestock and also how many members of the Takahara academy are alive and for how long. Lots of questions


it seems like after death asura became something else like a spirit or a higher being which is why they killed themselves to ascend but who tf knows really

Rajvir Malhans

Ya somehow the series keeps explaining some things and adding more things that it makes sense and isn’t convoluted. I think it’s been awhile since I have seen mystery in anime done right


it's not even about being able to predict who is who or what is what but simply why tf this place exist which is an impossible answer to get unless you spoil yourself