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2 eps to go! hands down best ep yet! that blind girl when she got skewered like Fuuuu

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Danmachi Season 4 Episode 20 Live Reaction (FULL)

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Didrik Svahn

This episode was so hard to watch because of how sad it was at the start, when all of Ryu old friends got gory deaths

Dusk Walker

There is simply no amount of mental preparation that is enough to ready yourself for this episode. Honestly, I lost count of how many times I've rewatched it. Each time I was swept away by a different emotion, breath ragged and the tears won't stop. I didn't feel the joy when one of my favorite scene was delivered spectacularly, I should. I didn't feel the satisfied that the emotions of my beloved characters had become alive and reached the audiences, I should. I didn't feel fulfilled even when many praised the massive passion and love put into this episode, but I should. It was breathless, and I couldn't utter a single word. I wanted to keep sinking and basking in this excruciating pain, in this requiem called heroic deaths. Continuous despair with no room to breathe. It's a torturous prison with endless torment. A literal bloodbath where even the once brave allies of justice quickly gave into fear and terror as more people die from beheadings, mutilations, and eaten whole. A tragic endeavor. The nonstop fluid animations, exceptional choreography, outstanding storyboard direction, melancholic and beautiful music composition, resounding performance of VAs, nailing every finer details which portrayed one of the most complex and beloved character of the series. A bitter reality beyond recovery with every bit of suffering lingered throughout the entire episode. The heavy tension in the atmosphere , the complete realization of true loss, of the fact that everything she had were gone. Those cherished presences were no longer there, and she had failed, she was helpless, she had killed her best friend, and she was denied the chance to die with them. True despair hit and crushed her weary soul. Much as she wants to deny, much as she wants to reject, much as she screams her lungs out to protest, much as he begs this cruel reality to return them to her, she was left alone. For every word, every feeling, every touch that she was no more able to feel from them, their gentle smiles, their loving cares, their strict lessons, their usual banters, what little precious time being with them, their last moments, all were etched onto her mind and those just brought hundreds and thousands of times more pain. Alone. Broken. Loss. Constant wailing in the depth of despair until all tears are dried up. All that's left is the faint cry amongst the struggling breath, amongst the unending emotional war on bleeding knees. The insert song's name is "Not meet doubt". This title sounds like "Namida" in Japanese, which means "tears". While the English title may evoke the image of the Astrea Familia fighting for justice, in Japanese it signifies Ryu's feelings of losing a comrade. There is a type of love that is only experienced through sadness. There is a type of joy that is only experienced through grief. The justice which the entire Astraea Familia entrusted to her, the love and care they all shared for their youngest, yet brightest "sister", and the light of hope once again rekindled by her "hero". He won't let anyone deny her worth, her deeds, her pains, her justice, not even her can make him. Bell admired heroes, he aspired to be a hero, and in his eyes, a righteous Ryu has always been a hero. Words that come from the hearts, words that are sincere yet full of strength and recognition. He was trying to give something back to the elf who had saved him so many times. Alise had led her to the path of justice, Syr had embraced and healed her, when Bell saves and brings back her justice that once was burnt to ashes. The pain stands as a witness to the loving bonds that survive the passing, but the heart is bound to get shattered over and over until finally strong enough to be put together again. It always hurts, for it comes as the cost no matter what path chosen. One day, they’ll find an answer, to true solace and real settlement. The past, present, and future all connect together. I LOVE DANMACHI ! Only 2 episodes left, and this season will be forever remembered as the best adaptation fans can ask for. Here's to a brighter future for Danmachi.