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so it seems his eye was closed the whole time because he was building up some sort of power which he opened at the end? interesting and spicy stuff as usual!

this is just for you Patrons, so please don’t share the link. watch with headphones to hear the anime episode if you want. 



this is just for you Patrons, so please don’t share the link. watch with headphones to hear the anime episode if you want.


Kyle Kowalchuk

LN is the serious/normal version, manga is the funny version. The Anime is the horny/fan service version.

Kyle Kowalchuk

Delta is my favorite character, but the fan services here was not in ether the LN or Manga. Delta is one of the Girls that gets the least fan service parts in the LN or manga. She is precious for her simple minded aditude and her dog like actions with Boss Man. Almost all of the current fan service (melting slime suits) is Anime only. The this Episolon bit is anime only as well and just a almost repeat of the when she killed Venom last episode (which is in all three LN, manga, and anime.)