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So I used to average about 20 Patrons in any given month and the first 2 weeks of offering live reactions that doubled. Somehow this past month I was able to hit 100 in one month and I really can't thank you all enough. Whether you stick around for a month or do so ongoing I really appreciate it and I didn't expect it to pop off this quickly but I'm excited to keep offering more exclusive content here! Next season the goal is to have every review have a live reaction counterpart but some days are harder than others for me to do them but either way no slowing down for me! ATM im averaging 25 videos a week between live reactions & reviews but im more energized than ever. Thanks again!



Keep it up


I just became a member on here and I'm really loving the content! I'd recommend making different filters for each series instead of only having one reaction filter as that's going to fill up really fast as you post more

Didrik Svahn

Oh yes having different tags for each anime would be great. If you want to re watch the reactions in the future. As otherwise it might be too much scrolling