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Since I started my channel I've been doing a series called season roundup where I gather all the anime I watched and give my shortest thoughts possible on them. Over the years I've changed the style a few times and while I love the footage and script-based approach I've been doing for some time I'm dropping it for a more casual approach for two reasons. Firstly copyright. It doesn't matter if you have fair use or not Japan doesn't care and when it's me talking on a camera I get 1 copyright strike which I defeat out of 100 videos where with footage based content it's like 1 in 12 videos I have to deal with the headache. The less backlog of footage only content I have the fewer copyright strikes I need to defeat in the future. The second and biggest reason, I hate editing scripted content these days. I really enjoy the casual approach of turning on the camera, unscripted and ramble away, cut it down to seem like I know what I'm doing with some screenshots and few clips here and there. It's what I did for my best of 2020 part 1 and 2 videos so I'm going to do it for season roundup as well. I doubt many will care but have to do what I enjoy and this is what's fun and relaxing for me. 



Honestly, i think relaxed videos for something like a season round up or what i'll be watching are more fun. I feel we can get more of your off the cuff opinion, rather than something you have methodically written down. I guess it feels more like a conversation? But either way, keep up the good work as always.

Teeny bopper

Bro i didn't even realized you switched your edited and off the top are almost the same at this point. I trust any content decisions you make.