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So at this point the only non-episodic video series I plan on doing are podcasts and season roundup. Podcasts could become once a season where I go over the charts with season roundup remaining as my overview of the season series. I'm to the point where covering anime weekly is easy and fun for me, where other videos are a chore. If I have an idea that goes outside these ill do them but for now I'm happy with this system. I like the idea of non-episodic videos just being me talking to a camera with some screenshots a lot more these days one because easy to avoid copyright hell, but two it's easier which makes it more fun. Some people might dislike that thought process but since YT has been nothing but fun lately I think my energy and what I have to say is far more enjoyable than a bored Brandon with fancy clip editing like sometimes last year. More energy equals better episode reviews.

The great thing about me doing this is I really can cover as much as I want a season while feeling free to enjoy my free time without the constant thought of this needs to be edited by this time next week. So yeah Spring has 16 shows lined up to be reviewed every week and at least one podcast and season roundup per season. If season roundup ever becomes a chore ill make it unscripted and live action for my mental sanity which the copyright reason alone has me leaning on doing exactly that for next season roundup.  

I really prefer being  a personality than a type of content and it seems to be working out better this way for me. 


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