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As you might have noticed I haven't been making as many bonus videos like video essays, discussion pieces or any of the other content I generally release every week on top of the episode reviews. Personally, I'm burnt out on that type of anime content. Episode reviewing is just as fun as ever, I legit want to make 13-15 episode reviews every season but to add the extra videos on top is too much work. So to sacrifice 3-5 reviews per season for 1 video is not only a financial loss but most importantly an enjoyment loss. 

So going forward every month should be a podcast and as always season roundup at the end of the season as I enjoy making both. Vlogs will happen when I have time and an idea but consider them to never have a schedule like the other two video series I just mentioned. Wonder Egg Priority as an example is a show worth a video essay and one I'm excited to make, so most likely once or twice a season I'll have some idea that I think I want to make this into a big video but to have no schedule forcing them out of me is the game-changer. The VIP tier still offers textless thumbnail art and still have early access on select videos so I don't consider this a ripoff but if the value isn't there for you feel free to drop your pledge amount and I wouldn't be mad.

This change has me excited as for a few years I never broke away from this schedule and now I'm fine taking two week's to edit a podcast at my own pace rather than killing myself with an unhealthy workload. Hope this all makes sense and you understand! And the previously mentioned podcast should be up tonight for early access. 

TLDR: Podcast, season roundup, and some vlogs will be the main things you will see on top of the episode reviews going forward with video essays and other bonus videos happening only if I feel like it. Some seasons you might get a few bonus analysis videos others none. But in return consistent episode reviews in just of high quality but also more quantity than most making similar content!


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