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Small little update that the main message is thank you. I made a vlog yesterday thanking the community for letting my channel not only survive but also thrive in a  year where many weren't as fortunate as myself. But it goes double to the community over here who gave me their hard-earned dollars. While a dollar or more might not seem like a lot to many, it all adds up and allowed me to support everything legally in terms of the anime I covered with numerous subscription services. Outside of when I had to go the fansub route cause you know, Netflix. The people who take time to even throw me a dollar a month says to me you believe in the channel enough that I'm worth more than my reviews so from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I try not to have an ego, I'm just me and hopefully, that keeps you around for another year. We will be grinding another 12 or 13 episode reviews next season on top of larger projects each week. I have a two-part series of my favourite anime of last year going up over two weeks to look forward to after the fall 2020 podcast next week! Have a great new year everyone!


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