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J-works podcast is returning hopefully this Sunday I'll have it up? It's recorded just a matter of getting it all edited. It's a random catch-up podcast with real-life stories and starting next month the main topics will resume starting with what will we watch Fall 2020.

My new system for weekly projects will be as follows unless I change my mind, and if you know me, I usually do. Each month I want a different video each week with the 4 styles being a podcast, a discussion video, a review, and an analysis. The podcast is self-explanatory, no changes there. The discussion will be like I've been doing, live-action with a few clips or image editing should I see fit. Just a nice little video for a fun change each month to keep things fresh without needing to invest 10 hours to the video. The review will be the same yet different to what you're typically used to for a season review. My seal ranking and category segment will remain but instead of clip editing, it'll be an unscripted live-action review with image editing like my episodics. With maybe a sprinkle of clips when they add to the review should I want them. With the analysis being a fully scripted and clip-based video as per my usual style (think of Beastars or my Welcome to the NHK videos). 

The reason for this change is for variety and my own sanity. Clip editing is very risky and while they do make videos better, I only want to take that risk for projects like Beastars or other series where I'm very analytical. They need clips whereas reviews and discussions can live with just images and an odd clip here and there. I don't have masterpiece viral ideas every week, but I still want to have those videos as they are profitable and bring in new eyes. But I only want to do them when I have ideas like my upcoming Yuki Character Analysis video from Fruits Basket without spending a dozen hours every week on them. Once a month is way more appealing to me while I focus on my episodic reviews.  Reviews and discussions do well in my unique live-action format and the podcast is great as is. I think this change will keep things fresh with extra videos as I also pump out a dozen or more episodic reviews per season.  Should I not have one of these videos due to me not having the ideas to make them, I'll either take the week off or replace it with an extra discussion video or something. Season Roundup will remain but I might make it live-action with clips but time will tell.

I'm really excited about this upcoming change and hope everyone is as well!


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