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So 2020 is a weird year meaning a lot of anime are being delayed which makes it harder to make modern content. On top of that, I have a busy personal life now which is a great feeling. I'm getting into the habit of being more okay with taking an extra day or two for an episodic rather than forcing myself to release them shortly after they come out. Having days off for the first time in 3 years is an odd feeling. As you see with shows like Kakushigoto if I'm simply busy I'll just wait until I'm not busy to make videos on it. And shows that bring in 200 views for 3 hours of work honestly not worth it. My time means more to me than that struggle. I think the quality of my content speaks for itself which is why I'm more willing to take time for me and do things at a pace that feel comfortable for my life. I always will make anime content and in a few months, it'll be easier for me to make lots of content again like before Corona hit. But for the next little while it'll slow down some but you'll still get high-quality videos don't worry. Just maybe at a slower pace at points and a little less inbox flooding with the amount of content released. 

In terms of 25k subs, it's mind-boggling but I honestly think I deserve it. I never have thought I deserved success but the past year I worked my ass off and I'm proud to admit I reached that because one, people are mad supportive. But two, I worked really hard and it's an amazing feeling to see that work pay off. Thank you for sticking by me and just know 25k is just the beginning for the channel and this community and I'll never lose sight of what matters. I'm thinking of making more unscripted content for shows I complete rather than only footage based pieces that are highly scripted when my time is more limited. Since truthfully my episodic style is pretty damn solid for analytical quality. 


Teeny bopper

Gratz on 25,000! I'll always advocate for good mental health. Can't make videos at all if your health goes! I think you did a few dual reviews and that worked fine too so there options. Thanks for all the content!