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isekai of the season idc what anyone says! (i dont count sequels and carryovers) the BEAT DOWn and the the MARRIAGE like so good

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Our Boi loosing it ... amazing Our Girl snapping him back to reality ... amazing One more creep to the harem that isn't one ... amazing Our best couple ... fucking adorable! "I'll just be invisible while watching..." ... LMFAO

Isai Cicourel

That "making Kazuna proud, equal rights" made me laugh so hard.

Gun Bunny

Somehow, somewhere across the multiverse, Grandpa Denken is smiling.

Didrik Svahn

He really did mess the Djinn up XD I liked how Fenrys at first was wet when seeing our boy beat the shit out of that djinn. Before remembering that is not the man she fell in love with. Which is good character writing there

Didrik Svahn

The Djinn is such a pervert watching our boy and Rys getting it together in the bed lol

sage narf

my fav pervy djinn is here


Best part about the beat down was the physicality of it. Our MC is a powerful magic user, yet he never even tried to cast a spell, just savagely beats her with fist and boot. Those are the actions of a rage-filled person, not a chilling MC.

OmegaAlpha 83

I did not think I'd enjoy this show THIS much, this show is currently my most enjoyed show this season, though since Slime is my favorite anime that next weeks slime ep may out do this for me but damn, i absolutely love when a relationship ACTUALLY progresses!

thomas smith

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer

Justin Barnard

I feel like if I described this show to anyone it would sound like the most generic trash anime, but it just keeps getting better. The characterizations track from episode to episode, be plot points get added quickly but without feeling rushed, this is by far my favorite fantasy this season and I love the opening and hit it weekend feels like a throw back to those old romance anime I'd get in random DVDs back in the day at suncoast video


The djinn was absolutely on demon time😂 like when it cut to her all ominously in the background watching for a split second I thought it was that random witch girl that turned the hero into that monster. But nope… just a freaky djinn


What if what we thought was the infinity symbol in his stats was just bewbs. It would explain his not harem that keeps growing every episode.