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this is why slime is one of my top isekai anime! a simple meeting episode gets us to see how the nation of tempest breaks down everything that went down in s2 and come to a natural conclusion how most of it was a series of events not a single mastermind. add in the magic generator for barriers and you have a creative af episode. these are the kinds of episodes that divide the fandom as half the people watching try arguing this is boring because there is no action as the other half are like wtf this is what slime is lol. i looked at reddit and some mofo said he skimmed this episode like how do you reach 50 some odd episodes and not get what this show is about

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Tobias Reinhold

That Time I Was Reincarnated Into A Bunch Of Meetings That Could Have Been Emails. On a more serious note, this problem was also present in the first half of the second season, where you basically had two episodes back-to-back where they did almost nothing other than discussing things. The way they structured it in the first episode this season felt better, because they actually had an entire developing story that was actively happening, we just got told about it retroactively. But when the episode mostly consists of planning and reminding us of characters most of us already know, it starts to drag. I think the second half of the second season did this much better, where the discussions and the action were staggered. You had some initial planning, then the Benimaru and the "army" went to fight against Clayman's troops. During these fights, you had other discussions about the plans for Walpurgis, then had Shuna, Souei and Hakurou go and attack Clayman's castle. Whilest they fought, Rimuru prepared for Walpurgis and departed there. It gave a nice mix of exposition and action.


While I would never consider this kind of episode "boring", I would say that it definately doesnt make for the best reaction material. That being said (if it plays out like I think it will), next episode is where the arc really starts picking up for the better imo.


To me, if you'll recall, there still needs to be a synch-up of events, plus some more meeting. Maybe Ep. 6?

Gaetan Plouzennec

To be honest it’s not really a question of season, the anime follow the light novel pretty faithfully so it’s the pace of the initial material 😊 I can understand why people might dislike it but personally I love the yapping in Slime 😁