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so what im gathering is everything we have seen is like this because it's how Youka views the world. she flipped the 7g switch and now the world is how she views it just on an acid trip. so unplug her from said switch or change her view of the world and the world goes back to normal? that seems to be what's happening and honestly insane!

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Jan Pettersson

I would totally play this if it was a videogame, just for the setting. Honestly, I don't quite buy your theory but I am totally lost (but happy) knowing nothing.


im not the only one with the theory after this episode seemingly and the more I look into it the more it makes sense IMO. this all happened after she pressed it and 7g connecting to her and warping reality based on her views makes the most sense as it stands. she needs to turn it off in order for sanity again IMO this is the most logical theory I think we can have up to this point until we see more but time shall tell!

Jan Pettersson

Not saying you are wrong, but the guy who told the girl to press the button ought to have some idea of what 7g is, he was warned by the conductor guy of the realitybending properties of 7g. If this isn’t according to plan why isn’t he turning it off, he is standing beside both the girl and the 7g button. The girl turned off 7g once, and reality didn’t really change back. So turning it off is probably not the answer. But looking for some logical explanation is probably pointless. Regardless I am really enjoying the show thus far.


my theory is because reality has completely shifted and the button just existing anymore no longer is a thing. id assume given Youka's worldview and desires would allow for her to change things or they would have to remake 7g or something to change it back should they want to change it back

Didrik Svahn

I did not realize that this world might be what Yoko imagined it to be or thinks of it. As I had my mind on butt this episode mainly lol. And yeah I think that the mushroom after it was pulled out did mess with Akira’s nerve system

Didrik Svahn

It has been a long time since I saw this much butt stuff or characters mentioning a butt or sniffing a butt. Like not even Gushing over magical girls had this much butt stuff in an episode which is really saying a lot!😳


if you look at the OP as well it seems like its also based around what the MC and her wanted out of life. so a shy girl's view of the world mixed with how she wanted things to be for her friend plus 7g taking that causes chaos is my theory

Didrik Svahn

Oh yes her friend did mention a town of mini people and that is what we saw this episode so I think that you are on to something. Also I think that they said in the first episode that 7G would like the user’s mind or something. Which could mean that Yoko’s mind got linked and tied to reality itself in a way


There's so much to each and every episode ... I think it'll take me a few rewatches to catch all those details. O_O