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great return and honestly while the plays make sense I feel like someone is going to F around and find out but overall Diablo had a brilliant play with the negotiations

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We Back and its 24 episodes big W

Tobias Reinhold

Some clarification since it felt as if certain lines didn't land correctly for you. Diablo didn't torture the three prisoners. He started out by declaring that he was impressed with what Shion did to the three prisoners. He proclaimed with astonishment that healing magic had absolutely no effect on them. That apparently someone (Shion) managed to bend the rules [of reality] to turn them into these amalgamations of flesh. He then needed to use drastic measures to turn them back into their normal forms - drastic measures which did appear to cause tremendous agony, though. This also means that towards the end of the episode, when he healed the king, he likely used that same "drastic measure", rather than the full heal potion. It was probably just an attempt at disguising the use of his abilities by proclaiming that the potion did it, which at the same time works as advertisement for the potion.


Hillarious how Diabolo starts getting more and more angry while the two infront of him start shaking in panic. :D ... lmfao


I think it's a great start. The opening has what I consider a spoiler but overall I see a broader range of events than I thought. But they've been known to put things in the opening that don't appear in the actual episodes....... I really didn't think they'd go back and show the banquet part of the Demon Lords' Banquet, so I unfortunately spoiled a couple of people on that part..... The main reason Rimuru punished Veldora is that, in order to go get the manga volume he wanted, Veldora called Diablo back to protect Tempest while he was gone. At least he took care of his responsibility, but he did interfere with Diablo's duties for a selfish reason ..... They didn't really fully explain Tempter. The Skill is very similar to Merciless. Under the influence of the Skill, which when activated, if a person submits to him (spirit is broken by), and they ever betray him, Diablo will immediately know about it, and their soul will become his. It's your classic deal with the devil contract..... One other thing: when using the potion to restore King Edmaris, the potion actually didn't work. Diablo used it as cover when he used his own magic.


That's pretty much equating a painful operation to save someone's life with torture. He had no painless method to restore them.


I don't think the opening spoils anything outside of the presence of some characters/designs of some characters.


I want to tell you what it is, but that would be me spoiling. I'll get a time stamp. 3:38 this video. Maybe it's subtle.


WE FINALLY BACK LETS GOOOO Finally in a position where I can actually watch the episode and the reaction! (Too busy on a flight lol). Great first episode back, that being said im praying the "we don't know how to not spoil people" brigade don't show up this season for you...

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

Translation mistake in the subtitles at 21:28 where the subtitles have it that Diablo says that they'll get at least 10k stellar gold coins. That's wrong. The full amount they demand is 10k stellar gold coins, but in that sentence at that timestamp, Diablo says that Tempest is going to get at least 1 thousand, not 10 thousand stellar gold coins (implied before the kingdom of Falmuth tries to do something and stops paying).

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

The anime simplified the explanation of Diablio's unique skill Tempter, but it doesn't just prevent betrayal. Diablo actually has 2 Unique skills (the first one isn't really relevant and is only explained/mentioned in his character sheet at the end of one of the LN volumes covered in Season 2 of the anime). The first one is "Seeker/Great Wiseman". It's a mental skill similar to Rimuru's previous Great Sage (now evolved into Wisdom King Raphael) and Veldora's previous "Investigator/Inquirer" (now evolved into Lord of Investigation Faust). The biggest different being that Diablo's mental unique skill is more focused on manipulation of reality and magical laws than on mental effects. Diablo actually used this skill (Seeker/Great Wiseman) in this very episode. It is the skill he used to revert the effect of Shion's unique skill "Chef" on the 3 people in the boxes. The second unique skill, "Tempter", aka the one name dropped in this episode, is MUCH more powerful. Some of the uses of this skill will be revealed later so I will not spoil them and will instead only explain what Diablo did in this episode with the Tempter skill. This use of the Tempter skill is similar to Rimuru's previous "Merciless" unique skill (once someone submits to Rimuru, he can steal their soul) in that it triggers when someone submits to Diablo and the moment said person submit to him in any way or form, no matter how small, Diablo can choose to gain control over their souls without stealing them. THIS is why they cannot betray Diablo. Because now their souls are owned by Diablo, and they are now both physically and mentally unable to go against him and his will. Additionally, Diablo is now able to sense their presence no matter where they are, can communicate mentally with them no matter where they are, and most of all, Diablo can now extinguish their souls to nothing with just a thought, no matter where they are regardless of distance between them.