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While I was working on the game I had a doubt/idea and I would like to know your opinion.

Do you think it is worth introducing environmental sounds such as the sound of the shower, the noise of a street, the ambient noise of a pub, etc. in the game?



Another one that plays the whole thing on mute, so voted no


I think it's a nice feature to have as an option, but I usually play these games muted so I wouldn't hear them that often. That said, when not muted sound cues are a good way to denote a new scene or add ambiance (like shower spray for a shower or bubbling water near a jacuzzi) and those little flourishes are a nice mood settler. As long as I can adjust the volume of those sound effects to be low so I'm not vibing along all chill before the loudest Cell-Phone-Vibration sound piledrives my ear drums into oblivion and leave me more anxious than any jump scare in history. I voted Yes because I cannot see a downside to its inclusion (besides than more work on your part) so if you really start to like having it then that'd be cool.