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It's clear at this point that most of you support the new graphic engine seeing the result of the poll published yesterday (which obviously does not surprise me at all, seeing the existing gap between one graphic engine and the other). Even so, and attending to the voices of some of you saying that the new model of our protagonist would need some more work to look more like the original model, I have worked on getting something more similar to the original Isabella (saving the distance that the original model is a cartoon and the new model is much more realistic).

As you can see in the image below, both the skin tone and hair color, as well as its style are similar to the original model, although you should always keep in mind that when using a new engine, characters, places, scenes, objects and others are completely new modeled, plus the new engine is more realistic than the first one.

Do you like the first design better or the current (actual) one?



I agree with Arthuria and MarcieMarc : the old Isabella's eyes are more expressive than the new model(first and second). The new model face is still the one of a livingless doll... But, as MarcieMarc said, it is better than the first one Good luck ! ;-)


I love the more detailed graphics but myself, and others it seems, like Isabella's original design more. Imo, if you were able to reach a middle ground, keeping the original more comic style while updating the graphic quality would be worth testing. am not a game designer, so I don't know how complicated that would be