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Good week, everyone!

As you may have already seen, version 0.4 (or as we will start calling each update from now on: [Season 1, Chapters 1-4][0.4]) has been released for the top tiers yesterday, as well as [Season 1, Chapters 1-3][0.3] for the Peeper tier.

The development of the next update will start today, although the general idea of the script is already in my mind.

On the other hand, dear Patrons, I would like your advice on how to make more people aware of the existence of this, our beloved game. Why do I ask you this? Well simple: the other day, talking by private message with one of you, I was told that the game is a 'hidden' jewel and my intention is that the 'jewel' part remains, but not the 'hidden' part!

So, if you know of any way to reach a wider audience, you have my full attention!

You can give me your advice and/or knowledge through the comments of this post, by private message through Patreon or through Discord.

Greetings to all!




My personal suggestion. You have two paths and you can choose both of them if you like. The first way is development. Invest in better and better equipment, find people to help you create more and more content (for example, find people to help you translate the game into other languages). Enlarge the team that makes up this game. The second way is advertising. Create a Discord (if you don't have one) where you'll talk to people about your project, ask for their opinions, and tighten ties with them. Important! Discord has to be for everyone, even for people who aren't your patrons yet. Another example. I found out about your game from the F95 website. This is a good advertisement, but there are over a dozen new titles or updates on this site every day and each game quickly "disappears in the crowd". Several games have coped with this, and instead of one big update once a month, they make many more but smaller ones. As a result, these games appear "on top" more often and attract more attention. At the moment your game is really rare on this page. Regards and sorry for my English.


First of all, thank you for your suggestions! We already have a Discord server running from day one. You have the link to join it on Patreon and F95Zone. About translating the game to other languages: I would love to do it, but it's difficult to find people eager to make something like that. But it's an idea to consider. Enlarging the list of colaborators making the game is also a good idea, but to do that, the game needs much more support. Why? Simple: I can't pay new colaborators with the profit the game is making right now and believe me, people want to be paid for their work. About posting the game on F95: I know we can get more visibility making shorter and more often updates, but that could be also a problem. People like to have solid updates, not only a scene or two each two weeks or so. That's also a problem for patrons and their benefits. Anyway, thanks for your time and your thoughts!!! :)


Well. I prefer to look at the world not with "problems", but with "problem solving". Look. These don't have to be normal updates. There is a way around this. You can "fix" it by releasing HotFix for the game. Release one major monthly update as planned, plus a few smaller HotFixes (there are always some bugs to fix). Another example. Release the game at the beginning of the month, three days later release the HD version with better graphics or the "officially compressed" version with worse. Money is just an item and it's only one of the ways you can pay people. OK, if you are looking for someone to work on a project for 20 hours a week, you actually have to pay that person money. BUT if you ask someone for a small thing and reward them appropriately (e.g. they get a higher Patron level, or the event suggested by that person is in the game, the possibilities are endless) then you can get help. One person working 20 hours or ten people working 2 hours. Another example of good advertising. F95 is just one of many sites that offer such services. Find other sites like this (ask fans how they found out about your game). Come to these sites, register and post updates on a regular basis. You will probably be surprised at how many pages your game is on without you knowing. Another example of how to reach a wider audience: TAGs. Add to the game one scene related to another fetish (avoidable of course). Rape, watersport, harassment, loli, lesbian route, etc. (there's plenty of it) and see what happens. On the one hand, your game will have more tags and you will be able to target people who are looking for specific ones. On the other hand, you will give your patrons a taste of what they can have. Talk to them later and ask if they like the new tag and if you should go in that direction.