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He’d slithered in. It had been so deliciously simple. Down like a lank noodle on a stray thought. Into her subconscious. Then out onto the page.

He had whispered certain words in her ear. The girl had listened.

Ship them!

“The oil glistened,” she wrote. “Artificial silicate flesh pressed close against the shaped panels of Inventor’s exterior casing. Their processor fluttered. Their software made delicious loops, recurring the foreign sensation of pleasure over and over and over again. Those sensations carved an unfamiliar path down through circuitry and into the motherboard.

“‘Who’s my sex machine?’ purred Street Samurai.”

Ship them!

“Buckle lined herself up,” went the pen. “An inch in either direction would end in disaster. But risk is part of a pirate’s life. And the rewards were rich indeed.

“‘Ready down below!’ came the voice of her co-captain.

“‘Ready up here!” she called. Or ready as she’d ever be. Buckle knew her target intimately. Fully erect and pleasantly ridged, but little more than a tiny bullseye from the top of the high dive.

“‘Here I go. Double gainer with a half twist into a reverse cowgirl. LEEROOOOOOY….!”

Ship them.

“Fighter tremulous maiden’s heart pulsed within an ample bosom. It was impossible. It couldn’t be. Did she actually want her knight in shining armor to come and rescue her? Something gratuitous happened beneath her navel.”

Ship them!

“‘Did I find the spot?’ she asked.

“‘Please,’ he answered. ‘It’s so embarrassing….’

But she would not relent. ‘Who’s a good boy?’ And slim elven fingers dug into supple flesh behind one tender ear. The kitsune’s leg began to shake like crazy


“They were perfect for one another, and they knew it. Quiz looked down upon her one, true, only-reasonable-ship-in-the-whole-canon lover, and Drow Priestess (who is, again, perfect for Quiz. I’ll block you if you say different.) returned her gaze. A long white mane framed a wicked elfin face.

“‘Let’s take this one to the fan artists,’ breathed Drow Priestess. And Quiz wanted nothing more than to be taken.”

Good, whispered the silken voice of Kek Tarley. Very good. Now rest for a while. Dream of ships yet to sail.

And so Kineticist slept.
