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You can't roll out the bad numbers. You just can't. If your dice is still not cooperating, holding it over a boiling pot of water while you threaten it is the only real solution. (kidding, mostly)

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Michael Zemancik

This actually reminds me of an idea I had for a homebrew rule about Taking 10 and 20. Let's say you are a bard who is gonna perform a piece for their majesty at the end of the month. You can either roll, meaning you could get a 1 and flub the whole thing, or take 10, meaning you give an 'average' performance. But let's say that you used your downtime in the month to practice the piece everyday; would an average 10 really reflect that? Taking 20 means you are performing an action again and again, treating each attempt as the next higher number on a d20. This sounds alot like how practicing works/rolling out the bad numbers , right? So the homebrew is that you can 'practice' an action everyday to slowly build up +1 to a +10 (max) bonus to your Take 10. Lack of practice will cause the bonus to go down. Consecutive '20s' will have the bonus go down. Situations where you can't take 10 (like combat or stressful situations) you can't use this rule/you get the bonus but only to a roll.

Randall Norman Pick

Wait, wait, just let the dice run out its luck and not use a fresh die for the major role? Does he WANT to botch? :P