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Conjurers from across the planes know Femme-Fiendter as a rare and elusive catch. Then again, most conjurers have unpleasantly cold hands. If you wish to reach between worlds and summon Femme-Fiendter to your aid, there are a few key tips to keep in mind.

1. Check in with Femme-Fiendter. Communication is key to a healthy summoning. If you’re interested in conjure-play, talk to your Femme-Fiendter. Discover her sensitivity and unique preferences. Consider that she may have specific needs due to elemental vulnerabilities or cosmetic transmutations.

2. Get to know Femme-Fiendter’s stat block. For most fiends, the special abilities are the most sensitive part of the stat area, since they contain the most design space. Using profane oils or lube, massage near the saving throws and ribcage to increase blood flow. Once your Femme-Fiendter is ready, you can explore the more sensitive areas: supernatural abilities, special qualities, and finally, the nipples.

3. Use your mouth. Try stimulating Femme-Fiendter orally by using verbal components. If she enjoys the blasphemous utterances, you can work your way up to licking and biting. Start by gently breathing her true name. If your Femme-Fiendter likes it, you can try rolling her racial modifiers between your teeth. Another strategy is to use your tongue to trace unholy runes across her belly; this sensation can be great for augmented summoning.

4. Add toys and props. Try stimulating your Femme-Fiendter's interests with something other than your hands and mouth, such as a rod, wand, ice cube, or nipple clamps to introduce different sensations. This can be especially fun with your Femme-Fiendter blindfolded. You can summon them with different parts of your hand or mouth, blow on their wet damage resistance, and introduce different profane temptations for a sensual experience.

5. Summon by yourself. Whether you're interested in summoning Femme-Fiendter or just want to learn more about your own stat block, try touching your hit points with a light touch during conjuration. Be patient, and learn to enjoy the journey. Even if you don’t achieve conjuration, it’s worth your time to explore the sensation and identify what feels pleasurable.



Michael Zemancik

Yep, add in a new devil for Antipaladin to 'Smite', if you know what I mean.