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How dramatic!

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Randall Norman Pick

The trick is making sure to let the players know the side-quests really did help in some way, honest - we weren't just stretching it out with that boxed adventure so you arrived with 1d6 minutes on the clock.


I think that it's all about the illusion. If the players are 'just in the nick of time' every time, it doesn't feel as special, so sometimes they should show up early and have an easier time of it, and sometimes be too late... that way they can be motivated to keep chasing the baddie!

Michael Zemancik

Antipaladin: Its not what it looks like. We're just having kinky sex. Evil Magnus: No, I am actually sacrificing you to complete my dark plan. Antipaladin: Oh... HELP!!!


Summoning your old body to the spirit realm so that you can reverse-Freaky-Friday yourself is definitely a kink somewhere.