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Things were going well.

Despite everything, Bad Cat was quite enjoying herself. The deposed Demon Queen had yet to corner Antipaladin, demand his allegiance, and set about reclaiming her dark divinity. But what of that? She had plenty of time. The fools suspected nothing! And so long as that remained the case, this turn about the Prime Material made for a fine vacation. The tedium of Abyssal rule could so wear on one after a few eons! Besides, it was not as if she lacked obedient servants.

“Inquisitor?” purred Bad Cat. “Would you be a dear and put the dog outside? He’s staring at me again.”

He’d been doing that quite a bit of late. The furry little scryPhone did not growl. He did not snarl. But he stared with large, liquid brown eyes, even as the oblivious drow picked him up and carried him to the door. The nasty little thing laid its head across the bounty hunter’s shoulder, and it did not leave off staring until Inquisitor shut him outside.

“Can’t we can’t get rid of that thing?” The catfolk body was adept at manipulation. Hunkered within, the malicious entity that coiled beneath the cuddly exterior could feel her charms taking effect. She pouted. She batted her eyes. Soon now, the dark elf would do anything she demanded, up to and including the ultimate expression of Evil. It was only a matter of time, and the game was endlessly amusing.

“Catfolk and dogs living together, eh?” Inquisitor quirked a smile. Then, running hungry eyes down the length of Bad Cat’s borrowed body: “How about we go somewhere nice and private? Someplace where that big scary dog can’t bother you?”


Things were going well.

Despite everything, she was quite enjoying herself. The ropes had been easy enough. Magus sat docile enough, her big innocent eyes looking up with amusement. But when the whips and paddles emerged from their hiding places, she hissed and spat and fought like a demon. And that impotent struggle kindled something malicious and greedy within the drow.

“You don’t really want to escape, do you?”

There came a moment of stunned silence. “You dare to raise implements of torture against me? Me? Mine is the hand that holds the lash! Mine is the power that breaks souls! I’ve sewn legions of the damned into silken shrouds, there to struggle impotently against the acid of my web for all time. And you would play at tormentor with me!?”

It was better than good. It was perfect. That greedy thing grew and blossomed within Inquisitor, pulsing to every inch of her body as the evil outsider act grew. She’d have to buy Magus some catnip later as thanks.

“That’s awfully funny,” whispered the drow dom. “I hear a lot of talk from the big bad fiend. But I haven’t heard anything like a safe word.”


“That’s what I thought. Now hold still, Ms. Fiend. By the time you’re through, you’ll never want to leave your binding circle again.”



Robbert Raets

Oh shit, Team Bounty Hunter doesn't differentiate between 'safe word' and 'doppleganger challenge'?!

Michael Zemancik

Considering Ranger was raised by wolves, I wonder if she could potentially understand the little fluffy boi?