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Oh man, is this revenge or just simple absent-mindedness?

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Thomas Fowler

I guess Buckle is wishing she were fully undead right about now.


Unlike 5e dhampires, I guess she *doesn’t* get to say “you know, I don’t actually need to breathe” accompanied by suggestive eyebrow waggling when she flirts

Randall Norman Pick

It is easy to forget other players' little character details like 'needs air to breathe'. Though I think Skulls and Shackles even flat said 'get water breathing and free action as much as you can'

Thomas Fowler

The real question is... with a title like "asphyxiation", does this hint at a breathplay scene in the *other* comic?


Well, I can say that I've already gotten the next HoEF comic mostly done and it does not involve Swash and Buckle.