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To be fair, that pink haired elf was on her scry-phone WAY before Wizard started talking.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!




What player wouldn't want to talk about their adventures to anyone who would listen? Maybe if I'd been on as many quests as Wizard, I wouldn't be able to contain myself either.


This reminds me of a number of scenes from Airplane! with Leslie Nielson.

Randall Norman Pick

"Let me tell you about my character" may actually be the verbal component to Power Word: Sleep


It's really hard to hold back some times. The upside to being around your gaming group is that they were *also* there and therefore just as excited as you about reminiscing.


My mother has been cursed to live with a family of gamers her entire life... I'm really not sure how she deals with it from both her husband AND her kids...


I am blessed in that my ENTIRE group is this person, so instead of groaning we revel in it because we're *all* like this. It's lead to multiple full sessions of RP going by in a row.