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Free action abuse not-withstanding, how did Bard manage to sneak up on these guys and get in a lucky hit in the first place? I can't imagine that his getup doesn't come with a massive penalty to stealth checks.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Robbert Raets

"Boots of Elvenkind totally cancel out the jangling noises from my one-person orchestra, right...?"


“Silence is a bard spell... right?” And, unrelated, I’m a big fan of Sarcastic Foreground Goblin’s design!


Also, I just realized—is Bard a lefty? Or does he just consider the maraca his main and the rapier his offhand?


And this is why most of my bards are vocalists.


To be honest, I'm not keen on the spelling of Ima. I've usually seen it spelled I'mma. But Dr. Google tells me it can be spelled multiple ways, so if this is the one you consistently use, that's fair. (I've always wanted to play a one-man-band bard.)