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Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Thomas Fowler

I have the exact same face as magus right now. Right, betting opens now! What do we think? Changling, possession, mimic, evil twin, maybe a "face-off" scenario?


Wow, Ranger is really coming out of her shell! I wonder if it has anything to do with her new-found confidence over in HoEF... or has the poor girl been talking into the void the whole time?


Holy fucking shit. I respect that you gave Ranger an entire romantic character arc before doing this joke. That takes commitment.

Michael Zemancik

Finally she made her Linguistics check. Don’t know why the DM set it so high (sure she was raised by wolves, but you shouldn’t penalize someone for their backstory) but she had to roll a nat 20 eventually.


Did Fighter hit a secret button somewhere by accident?


Nothing you have ever made has ever been more cursed than this single comic. My prayers out to poor Inquisitor and Magus who will certainly require Therapy after this moment.