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Vampire Twins were maybe too fun to draw. I hope they live through this encounter.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Jayne Lindgren

I instantly love them! Hapless sexy vampire twins are an amazing concept.

Danger Dan

I love the vampire twins now. If anything happens to them I will kill everyone here and then myself.

Robbert Raets

Did Sorcerer learn that spell because someone pointed out you can start fires with concentrated daylight? (Then, the big focussing lens must still be on back order.)

Michael Zemancik

Guess they had made sure to stock up on sunblock (if they didn’t mix it up with the coconut oil) after visiting their cousin Buckle.

Thomas Fowler

Ah, the lesser known vampire weakness; fashion. If they had worn wetsuits they'd only have to worry about their hands and heads, but no, they just had to show off their bods. Also, I love them and, as a fellow pasty-skinned git, identify all too well with their problem. Here's hoping they live to see another page.


I really, really debated drawing a vampire-themed inner tube and pool floaties on them before Colin intervened and said that there was no reason for vampires to have a pool in a dungeon.