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  • Balance — If you have 5 or more ranks in Balance, reduce the DCs of all Advanced Positions by 5.
  • Bluff — Succeeding at a Bluff check opposed by your partner’s Sense Motive allows you to fake your climax. If you are using the optional Epic rules, succeeding by 30 or more allows you to fake their climax.
  • Climb — With a DC 20 Climb check, you may attempt a Non-Combat Maneuver with a partner more than one size category larger than you.
  • Concentration — Note that lovemaking counts as ‘violent motion.’
  • Disable Device — If your partner has suffered a Marital Aid Mishap, you may dislodge the offending device with a DC 25 check. If you have suffered a Marital Aid Mishap, you can perform this action on yourself with a DC 30 check.
  • Disguise — Options include plumber (DC 15), pizza guy (DC 20), and stepbrother (DC 25, most possess a washing machine).
  • Escape Artist — For every two ranks you possess, increase the DC of your partner's Use Rope checks by 1.
  • Knowledge (Technique) — For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds your partner’s CR, you recall another esoteric position that they’ve never heard of but would totally be down to try.
  • Move SilentlyStifling yourself requires a Move Silently check equal to 10 + your partner’s CR.
  • Ride Ahem.
  • Search — Finding an erogenous zone is DC 5 + your partner’s CR. The difficulty increases by 5 for non-humanoid partners, and 10 for obscure splat-book lovers.
  • Sleight Of Hand — As normal for concealing a light weapon.
  • Use Rope — The following techniques are available to kitsune, tengu, and vanara characters….



Danger Dan

Shibari is so good...


Too bad Cunning Action doesn't let you use persuasion as a bonus action. Who doesn't appreciate a good cunning linguist? ... I tried.

Sigurður Steinn Sveinsson

I remember the spell Glibbness which gives you a +30 on bluff for a bit. I wonder what you could do with that.....

Robbert Raets

See, the 'add your partner's CR' bits remind me of the Truenamer rules, which include a passage about how 'the universe pays more attention when you're higher level'....


"Why does the wizard have 50 feet of rope in their inventory? Wouldn't it make more sense for someone with athletics to have the rope?" A question asked by party members who have clearly never thought about the uses of the Craft skill.