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Who is this girl? Why are there two new character designs in one week? I just felt like it, honestly, but if someone can come up with a compelling argument for a class that we're missing that she might fit, I'm willing to consider keeping her around.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!




How about Warpriest? High will save, martial weapon, possibly an Aasimar, I think there's a case to be made and I don't remember you having a Warpriest already.

Michael Brost

Occultist? Proficient in light/medium armor and simple/martial weapons. High Will saves, while also being Intelligent. Abjuration Warding Talisman (armor) for additional bonus on saving throws. Transmutation talisman (weapon), for bonus to a physical stat, helping her take on an enemy boss alone like this. Item at her belt could be a planchette for a divination talisman, giving her bonuses to perception, and insight bonuses on attack rolls, skill checks etc. As well as danger sight, for additional bonuses. Could basically be a solo hero who has gathered objects that lend her power to overcome weaknesses she might otherwise have, when facing off against different foes.

Michael Zemancik

Warpriest does seem like the simplest choice, since she seems to lack many of the other classes visual quirks. And while she could possible be a sulis or maybe a sylph, I think aasimar is probably the way to go... mainly because i’m greatly amused at the idea of her, Paladin, and Ninja (pretty sure he’s also an aasimar) all being related. Which leads to a very important question. When nudes? Followed up by another important question. What does she bring to the story? No punchline really stand still out. Off the top of my head I can imagine her being hired on as Elf Princess’ bodyguard (akin to Gard from Dresden Files). Might be able to get some mileage out of her reacting to the Vigilante romance situation.


Thirding Warpriest, and seconding the sylph suggestion, although aasimar also could fit.

Robbert Raets

Maybe she's a daughter of Argencia...? *And* a Warpriest.

Randall Norman Pick

I like the warpriest idea, that's a great spear-stave.

Thomas Fowler

Maybe a Kensei Monk. or a Battlemaster Fighter.


Warpriest and Kensei both sound good, or perhaps warlord/marshal (we don't have any characters specialising in mass combat and warfare and it would be a niche she could fill alone).