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Uh oh, Paladin... if you thought she was evil before...

Check out handbookofheroes.com for the full post!




... that would make him loose his Good alignment, easily


I wouldn’t be too sure—after all, a Good summoner only summons goodly creatures, but the rules don’t say anything about not feeding them into a trapped hallway as meat shields (per the Handbook itself!)

Thomas Fowler

barding. because intelligent steeds can hold grudges


Give him a few Healing Hands and that will treat the blacken fur - the blackened heart for Lumberjack might need something stronger.

Robbert Raets

"You're despicable. And now you're also hearing this in Daffy Duck's voice."


Just a quick check—is it intentionally “inequity” (a lack of fairness or justice), or is it supposed to be “iniquity” (immoral or grossly unfair behavior)? I feel like Paladin is more likely to try and fight the second… but he’s certainly *participating* in a bit of the first here, so perhaps there’s a hover-text joke to be revealed on the public site?


To clarify, inequity is usually regarding *social* justice, while iniquity is more often referring to sin, vice, or immorality


Heh, whenever I do not play a paladin in 3.X, I always miss it when the saving throws start rolling. I once had a paladin of mine take a necromancer's entire daily spell arsenal and kept on ticking.

Michael Zemancik

Paladin, this is exactly how you screwed up with Necromancer.