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G1: Lock Poppers

This segment will give contestants a new appreciation (and empathy) for thieves’ tools.

Sights and Sounds: Studio lights beam down from overhead, providing normal light. The sounds of laughter and wolf whistles burst forth from the unseen audience, seemingly at random.

READ ALOUD: Candy colored wallpaper stripes the walls of this room. Spotlights bathe you in a lurid pink, and every surface is festooned with comically oversized keyholes. The fulsome voice of Kek Tarley smarms down from overhead. “Alright contestants. The doors of this dungeon are shut up tight! They’re going to need a deft touch and a bit of lubrication if you want to open them up. So on your mark, get set, and POP — THAT — LOCK!”

Disable Device: Winning this contest takes speed and finesse. And if you happen to be a lock, it takes concentration.

At the start of each round, the receiving partner makes a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration. The DC equals 12 -  locksmith’s Dexterity modifier. You have advantage on this check if you call out instructions to your partner, but Kek makes snide commentary about your preferences if you do.

The first locksmith to succeed at three consecutive DC 8 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) checks wins the contest. However, the DC increases by 1 for each round your lock fails its concentration save, resetting when they succeed. Note that the third successful check must be made on a round when your lock succeeds on its concentration save.

Interference: There are no holds barred in this contest, and cheating is encouraged. Successfully damaging a lock automatically breaks its concentration.




Aw, Necromancer looks like she really missed that.


I’m a little confused by the mechanics—the better your locksmith is, the harder it is for the lock to maintain concentration, and they have to do so for you to win? And the lock and locksmith are on the same team, not opposed? And calling out instructions helps you on your save… so the goal is to finish, not hold off, but it’s harder to finish if your locksmith is dexterous?

Sigurður Steinn Sveinsson

well paladin is a huge tool(in more then one sense methinks) so maybe she gets a plus 2 on that check!

Nate Wright Jr.

You know, I'm just happy that Necromancer's happy.