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I am not allowed to help with furniture assembly, because I reach a stage of apathy about half-way through after jamming a finger and stabbing myself with a screw, where every step becomes: 'eh, that looks good enough,' which does not make for stable necromantic monsters.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Michael Zemancik

“It is no simple task to create life.” It may not be simple, but it sure is a lot of fun ;)

Robbert Raets

'Some assembly required' is one hell of an epitaph, though!


Last time I put together furniture, I forgot to bring a hammer with me on the move... but at least I had a deer antler!

Nate Wright Jr.

Laurel: *puts lots of work into drawing an eye-catching, disgusting pile of questionably preserved corpse parts in a variety of colors strewn across the floor* Me: Yeah that's cool but can we talk about Necromancer because damn


A friend of mine played a necromancer in an Exalted game back in college who's basic approach to every new location we visited was 'what parts can I scavenge here to make the scariest thing possible.' Eventually she ended up building a giant monstrosity that had screaming horse heads for fingers. It was great. :D

Randall Norman Pick

Not direct but occasionally I do regret the deemphasizing of material components in recent editions as flavor.

Thomas Fowler

If you're not willing to eat a live spider, you don't deserve Spider Climb


Gotta wonder if an undead monstrosity even needs a liver.