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Wood shape is just the beginning! With our program of rejuvenating, all natural, Old Faith™ techniques, you can discover sensual new uses for druid spells at every level! Number seven will shock you. Unlock your inner goddess today!

0.  Druidcraft — Need a personal lubricant without any petrochemicals, parabens or glycerin? Look no further. If you can make a flower blossom or a seed pod open, you can make our hybrid “slick buds” bloom.

1. Goodberry — Ready for a classic kissing test? See which one of you can tie a knot in that stem first! Or even better, let that good goodberry juice run across your partner’s erogenous zones, then lick it off. It can sustain you for a day, but where’s the fun in that?

2. Enhance Ability — Yes, that is how it works!

3. Meld into Stone — It takes focus. It takes specialized breathing techniques. But if you have the commitment, you can learn how to meld partially into stone. If that sounds boring, then think again! Fuzzy handcuffs have nothing on the firm, unyielding grip of Mother Earth, and that’s to say nothing of the thrill of deciding which bits emerge from her rocky embrace.

4. Stone Shape — See wood shape.

5. Commune with Nature — The natural world is its own aphrodisiac. As your mind fills with the secrets of the wilds and your place within it, you will learn to ride the pulse of the tide, feel the subtle fingers of the lightest breeze, and know the strength of roots as they quest through rich, fertile, yielding earth.

6. Move Earth — It will.

7. Reverse Gravity — If you aren’t afraid of heights, then this spell is worth the ride! Remember, if you reach the top of gravity well you will remain there, oscillating gently, for the duration. Without walls, bedposts, or inconvenient solid objects, the sky is your canvas! Difficult positions from solar power pinwheel to the inverted comma just got a whole lot easier! Plus, there is no softer mattress in the natural world.

8. Sunburst — Do you know what plants feel when they gather up solar rays? After many castings of speak with plants and extensive conversation with local flora, we’ve unlocked the secrets of the “photogasm.” We promise, when you reach your very personal zenith, you’ll wish you’d been born a vine.

9. Foresight — Have you ever wanted a partner who can anticipate your wants? Your needs? Your deepest, most intimate desires? With our new take on this old classic, even the most inexpert lover can become a master of the erotic arts!



Robbert Raets

"Ah. When I read the ad in that 'Men's Health' magazine, I had a slightly different mental picture for 'she can give wooden coffins and stone sarcophagi erections'..."


Yay, more Druid! Looks like she'll be in there a while, she's got a whole other "wood shape" to utilize.


It ended up not working for the composition, but originally I'd intended to draw a lot more of them on basically every surface that would fit XD


Not a druid spell but simulacrum has...possibilities.