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  • Order of the Alraune
    Cavaliers belonging to the order of the alraune belong to a clandestine group where subtlety at court is as prized as victory on the battlefield. They are often mistaken for fops and dandies, but these cunning flatterers know how to back their veiled insults with cold steel.
    Edicts: An order of the alraune cavalier must endeavor to win favor in the eyes of her patrons, increasing her wealth and power through wit and guile. She seeks to embroil herself in the latest intrigues, and take pains to look good while doing it. Knowing that scandal is the surest way to new opportunity, the cavalier must take at least one new paramour of her own station or higher whenever she returns to court.
  • Order of the Satyr
    Cavaliers who join the order of the satyr believe that wine and carousing are the true calling of a knight. They seek fellowship among high-born and commoner alike, knowing that it pays to have friends in low places. Hedonists one and all, such wastrel warriors are famous for their motto, “Slayin’ and layin’,” and take pains to one-up one another on both accounts.
    Edicts: The cavalier must treat all strangers with good cheer, making no distinctions on the basis of rank or station. The cavalier must never turn down an opportunity to drink, wench, or enjoy a free meal. The cavalier must punish those who impugn his honor by claiming to have a higher tolerance for alcohol or to have had more sexual partners. If ever there is an opportunity to boast of his virility or prowess, the cavalier must take it.
  • Order of the Half-
    Cavaliers of the Order of the Half- are obsessed with dynasty. Knowing that human lives are short, they seek out exotic love interests for the express purpose of creating a more powerful and durable heir. These cavaliers join the armies of foreign (and often interplanar) kingdoms, hunting for a lord or lady whose bloodline promises half-human greatness.
    Only humans are eligible to join this order.
    Edicts: The cavalier must forswear alliances with human suitors. She takes pains to learn of foreign peoples and cultures, meaning she must learn the language of her love interest and must include at least one non-human in her retinue. The cavalier must pledge service to a non-human throne, and seek to perform those deeds and customs deemed most likely to win favor from the people of her adopted land (e.g. impressing a dragon with solid gold bikini-mail).
