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Everything changes when you put on the mask. Friendship doesn’t matter. Personal attachments fade away. You don’t get to be a simple magical beast anymore. When you put on the mask you become a symbol. And more than fighting monsters or stopping villains, it’s your job to live up to the symbol.

What is Horsepower? He’s the good in all of us. He always does what’s right, even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard. Horsepower gallops through fields of justice. He canters for common decency. He believes in not setting innocent NPCs on fire, no matter how funny it might be.

It’s dark days in the Kingdom. Even now the Evil Party lurks in the shadows, plotting their next move. Worse, my old nemesis Fighter is still out there somewhere. I may not know why he disappeared, but my unicorn-senses can feel him slutting it up across the countryside. I pity the innocent maid who must contend with his rampant libido.

And so, in opposition to such iniquity, I must hold fast against temptation. I must not allow my affection for Elf Princess to lead her heedlessly down a freaky-ass interspecies path. As a Lawful creature, I must remain aloof from those I hold most dear. To protect them, yes, but even more importantly, to protect the symbol. As a servant of justice, I can do no less.


Damn she fine!
