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I'm kind of on the fence on whether or not to do genders for the Dragonborn set?  Is... there a difference between a female dragonborn and a male dragonborn?  I don't know if there's a need for lady dragonborn with lucious eyelashes outside of, well, me.

Downloadable version is available below as a 280x280 png, which is the    optimal size for a token the size of a single grid square in Roll20.    If  someone wants a larger size for an avatar, let me know and I'm   happy to  include that as well!   



Jayne Lindgren

It's tricky! Non-human species give you a chance to break out of stereotypes about what different genders "should" look like, but there is benefit in making things easier for the audience without having to explain what the notched horns and counterclockwise-patterned tail means. Of course, I'm into women, so I'm pretty in favor of absolutely every character being visibly feminine. x3

Randall Norman Pick

I think D&D had them with secondary sexual characteristics in 4th.


Really depends on the setting/GM/player preference. If Dragonborn are a reptilian species, they don't really need secondary sexual characteristics and I think the only major sexual dimorphism visible to humans would be that the females would be larger than the males.


Did it? I admit that 4th edition was... not my favorite, so I never looked at much more than the core book.


That was my thinking? But I'm putting together these into race/class packs for sale on Roll20, and I wasn't sure whether or not it would be something people wanted. I'm doing male/female versions of each class for the other races, but... this one I got stuck on a bit.