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Sexual Escapades by CR

  • Fire in the Hole (CR ½)

  • Amphibious Assault (CR 1)

  • Scourge of the Deep Blue Semen (CR 2)

  • Repel All Borders (CR 3)

  • Batten Down the Hatches (CR 4)

  • Blow the Man Down (CR 4)

  • Control Air and Water and Orgasm (CR 5)

  • Shiver His Timbers (CR 5)

  • Negative Energy Clamps (CR 6)

  • Swab the Poop Deck (CR 6)

  • Strike Colors (open hand) (CR 7)

  • Strike Colors (cat o’ nine tails) (CR 8)

  • Banister Plunge (solo) (CR 9)

  • Banister Plunge (paired) (CR 10)

  • Hands Free Detect Undead (CR 10)

  • Guardian of Her Depths (CR 11)

  • Hang ‘Em From the Yardarm (CR 12)

  • Bury Pirate Booty (CR 13)

  • Figureheading (size large) (CR 15)

  • Figureheading (size huge) (CR 16)

  • Actively Pinged (CR 18) 




Oh, Oh God No. She has to weigh at least 100lbs give or take. That coming down Straight onto your erect member would probably Break the Damn Thing!

Jayne Lindgren

OK, who cast the mind reading spell? Be Because as soon as I saw these two, I knew I wanted more!


I love how context and descriptor change how mature the banner text is.

Nate Wright Jr.

Well THAT was fast. This is good. And then there's weird triton dong. Also good.

Robbert Raets

She just likes lapping up the blood whenever they have an accident.


The really fun thing is that we can subtly alter the joke sometimes for HoEF and get to play with it a little!

Randall Norman Pick

The fact the boots are still on amuses me for some reason