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The layout of the Temple of Elemental Labido is anything but random. Its passageways and chambers are designed to mimic the configuration of a hermaphroditic reproductive system, circulating libidinal power through every hall and alcove in the complex. Creatures who venture within are soon suffused with that power, building towards an inevitable climax. Of course, many elements of the Temple’s defenses are designed to bring that climax more swiftly. Linger too long within and even the mightiest warrior will soon find their defenses eroded, leaving naught but a quivering mass of concopiscent flesh teetering constantly on the brink of release. 

Titillation Damage

Titillation Damage represents a character’s diminishing ability to control their lust. Unlike normal damage, titallation damage cannot be healed while within the confines of The Temple. 

Dealing Titillation Damage

Certain attacks deal titillation damage. Other effects, such as the aphrodisiac ore in Room 69f or the dillhole trap (pictured above), also deal titillation damage. When you take titillation damage, keep a running total of how much you’ve accumulated. Do not deduct the titillation damage number from your current hit points. It is not “real” damage. Instead, when your titillation damage equals your current maximum hit points, you’re edging (see below), and when your titillation damage exceeds your maximum hit points, you climax explosively, blowing your dailies, popping your potion, riding the chuul, or otherwise cumming buckets. Whatever form it takes, your orgasm leaves you stunned for one round. You are also staggered for one additional round (if male) or exhausted for 1d4 additional rounds (if female). Nonbinary characters may choose which penalty they would prefer to suffer. Alternatively, such characters may suffer both penalties (the lucky bastards). 


When your nonlethal damage equals your maximum hit points, you’re edging. You can only take a standard action or a move action in each round (in addition to free, immediate, and swift actions). Make a DC 17 Fortitude save at the beginning of each round. Failure results in 1 point of titillation damage and an immediate spirited (dis)charge, bardic finale, friendly fire splash attack, pants dragon breath weapon, etc. 

Resetting Titillation Damage

When a creature’s titillation damage exceeds its total maximum hit points, reset all accumulated titillation damage to zero, applying any additional titillation damage to the new tally. Each time a creature’s titillation damage is reset, treat their maximum hit points as halved for purposes of the titillation damage effects. For example, a create with 60 hit points who has reset their titillation damage twice would have an effective maximum hit point total of 15. 

This does not apply to creatures with the endurance feat. Such creatures simply use their normal maximum hit point total.



Jayne Lindgren

I...cannot describe how much I love those rules. Like, it really takes the whole concept of this dungeon to the next level. I honestly wish I had the right kind of mature, comfortable group that could play something like this together. I think it could be...stimulating. ;) Thank you so much for continuing to indulge at least this one deviant's weird interests!


Love it! And major major props for non-binary inclusion <3


i love the subtle gag of all the rooms being the 69th one (though am curious what is after 69-z)