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From the page’s of Fighter’s very secret diary. Entry Title: “Possible Cures.”

  1. Ask Cleric for Help
    He’d probably do it. But the little turd would also prescribe an ointment for backaches and another for cramps. I’d never live it down.
  2. Reincarnate
    That was bad enough the first time. Dying hurts like a bitch, and I might wind up hairy again. Or still a chick. Or a hairy chick, and shaving my legs sucks enough already. Hard pass.
  3. Pay for a Miracle/Wish
    Possible, but I blew my wad on the last miracle. Totally worth it for that mirror of remote lechery, but the war chest remains empty. Inquisitor keeps talking about some kind of “big score” on the horizon, but Ms. Skinny Jeans won’t share her leads. Rumor is that there’s some kind of BBEG out there with a huge price on his head, but the most she’ll tell me is, “He’s got more levels in dumb blonde than you do.” If only I could find this guy and turn him in!
  4. Alchemical Hormone Replacement Therapy
    I’d never heard of it either. Apparently it’s a thing though, and pretty popular among dwarves in some settings. There’s one big problem though. Actually, it’s a huge problem. After reading several dozen pamphlets, I figured out what “secondary sexual characteristics” means. I might grow a few chest hairs, but I won’t get li’l Fighter back. Next!
  5. Quest For It
    There must have been a thousand scrolls in Quest Giver’s shop, but I finally found it. It looks third-party as hell, but there’s this weird splat-book dungeon called “The Temple of Elemental Labido.” If I can convince the girls to give it a try, I’ll finally be back to my buff and studly self. And as a bonus, if I slather on enough of this “elemental male essence,” I may even get a few stat increases! I mean, what else could “increases longevity, cognitive functioning, and great for skin” mean?  
